FAQs around the Contracts feature
How many signers can I assign to a contract?
A: Up to 4 signers in total.
Can I edit the contracts once issued or when one person has signed but not all parties?
A: No, contracts issued are legally binding and cannot be edited. To edit issued contracts, you have to cancel the contract and re-create a new contract. All parties will receive a new contract to sign.
How do I know if all the signers have signed the contract?
A: Contract status will turn green when all party has signed. Clicking into issued contracts will also show you who has and has not signed.
How do I access signed contracts?
A: An email will be sent to all signers and recipients when it's completed or rejected. A signed contract will be stored in the Contracts tab of the subject employee’s profile. Signers and recipients will be able to see contracts they were involved in on other employees' contracts tab and only those contracts. You can also specify the signed contract to be emailed to the relevant parties required.
As a staff member, I can only see the contracts tab on my profile
A: By default Contracts tab is only visible on your own profile. However, if you were a part of, either as a signer or a recipient (received a copy of the completed contract) a contract will be visible here. Otherwise if you have the permission to view 'all' or view 'subordinates' contracts or you can 'manage' contracts you will see them.
Do employees/signees need to be signed in to sign a contract?
A: No, they do not need to be signed in to the platform to be able to sign off on contracts.
What notifications are sent when using the contracts feature?
A: There are 3 key notifications that will be sent when using the contracts feature. The request for signature is sent to all signees that need to sign the contract. Contract completion notifications are sent to all signees and anyone else that was set to receive a copy of the contract. Lastly, if the contract had "Allow Signing in Any Order", then all recipients will receive the notification that someone rejected it. Whereas if it had "One Signature at a Time", only the people who have already signed it will receive the rejected notification.
How can I resend a contract email that has gone out to a signee?
A: At the moment, you will need to navigate to the message schedule in settings and search for the email (use the signee's email address or the name of the contract generated to search for it) and from the action menu, select resend the email.