We're excited to announce the introduction of chat functionality within the Humanforce Work app, enhancing communication capabilities for our users. This first implementation focuses on delivering basic chat features for one to one direct messaging. Here's an overview of what to expect and how to navigate through the transition.
The new enhanced messaging functionality will be exclusively available within the Humanforce Work app, in the Messages page, in a dedicated tab labelled "Chat beta." Employees and managers will be able to message each other through the Work app, and through a new Chat page in Humanforce web.
The new Chat page in Humanforce web will be independent of the Employee > Messages page in HF web, that sends messages between managers in HF web and employees using the Humanforce Classic app.
There will be a process required to migrate from the old messaging system in HF web and Classic app, to the new Employee Messages page and the Work app.
- Work app - Direct Messages release
In the first release of enhanced messaging in the Humanforce Work app, direct 1:1 messaging will only be available in the app, allowing app users to message each other. *Please contact Support if you would like to trial this.
This will include:- Sending 1:1 direct message to other users of the Work app
- Sending group messages to other users of the Work app
2. Humanforce web - release of new Enhanced Messaging page and 1:1 direct messages:
(Upcoming - May2024). The release of the new messaging page in the Humanforce web application will allow users to message between Humanforce web and the Work app.
This will eventually replace the current Messages page in Employee > Messages > Chats, which is integrated with the Classic app.
- 1:1 direct messages to users to users of the Work app
- Humanforce web - group messaging release:
The following release in HF web will allow users to send group messages. This provide benefits such as streamlining communication processes, allowing for effective collaboration between teams in the flow of work. - HF Web - Further Releases
In future releases we will be providing some exciting new functionality such as the ability to send read-only broadcast messages to multiple users in HF web to users of the Work app. We'll also be integrating messaging further into the app by allowing messaging from areas such as the schedule and timesheet screens.
Steps to Enable Messaging in the Work app
Note that the new Enhanced Messaging page in Web and Work app is separate from the existing employee messages in Humanforce web app and Classic app. There is no message interaction between Classic app messages and Work app messages.
1. Enable Chat in Work app > Messages > Chat beta:
To start using messaging in the Work app, we will need to enable this for your company. Please contact the Support team to do this. This will be enabled for all employees by default. (We will soon be introducing a new access level permission which will allow you to restrict who can use the new chat feature).
2. Enable new Messages screen in HF web > Employee > Messages > Chat beta
This will allow you to message managers and employees in HF web and Work app. Any messages that are sent via this new Chat beta screen will not be sent to the old Employee Messages screen or the Humanforce Classic app.
3. Trial beta Chat in HF web and Work app
This is your opportunity to trial the chat feature in the Work app. It's important to note that messages sent between the Work app and the new HF web > Messages > Chat beta page will not be received in the Classic app.
4. Migrate from Humanforce Classic to Work app - make Classic messages read only
When you advise that your organisation plans to move from the Classic app to the Work app, we will make the original messaging page in web and Classic app read-only. This is so that there is no confusion with sending messages to employees using the original messaging page in HF web, and the message not being delivered to the Work app.
5. Disable Classic app completely
Once your organisation has completed the move to the Work app, we will disable the Classic app completely so that employees aren't confused about which app they should be using.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- How do I start using the new messages in the Work app?
If your company is using the Humanforce Classic app, you can continue to use the Humanforce web messaging page: Employee > Messages > Chat until your organisation moves across to using the Work app.
If your company is using the Work app and would like to trial the new chat functionality, please log a ticket with the Support team and we can enable this for you. - I am a Work app user but most other employees in my company are using the Classic app. Can I use messaging in Work app?
Messaging between Work app and Classic app are independent.
The new messaging system in the Work app will need to be enabled for your company, so it can not be enabled for a single employee. - Will I be able to access existing messages within Humanforce web app (in Employee > Messages > Chat) and the Humanforce (Classic) app?
Yes - if you are using the existing Humanforce (Classic) app, you'll be able to see any old messages in the Humanforce Classic app and in the old Humanforce Messages page. - Will I be able to send messages using Humanforce Classic app to the Humanforce Work app?
No, the messaging feature in the Work app will be independent from the messaging in Classic app. - Will I have access to historical messages in Humanforce web once we transition to the Work app?
If your company has completely moved across to the Work app, we will enable a setting so that Classic app will become read only and users will no longer have access to messages. Users of the HF web application will have access to a read-only messages page.
We're committed to enhancing your experience with Humanforce Work, and we appreciate your patience and feedback as we introduce this exciting new feature. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.