The purpose of shift transfer within Humanforce is for an employee to flag once a role or booking has been completed and they are beginning a new role or job. This process will end an employee’s timesheet and create a new timesheet in order to accurately capture the hours worked per role or booking.
The steps below outline the process of starting a shift and once complete, transferring to a new booking.
Humanforce Web
1. Within Humanforce Web on the clocking page, select the Start Work button.
2. Once a shift has been started, you will be presented with a list of options such as Transfer, Clock Out and Add Comment. To transfer, select the Transfer option.
3. You will then be presented with a list of transfer options. Select the Role dropdown and choose the position you are transferring to.
4. Once the role has been selected, select the Confirm button to save.
Mobile App
The transfer process within the mobile app can be found within the clocking page and will only be available to running shifts.
1. To transfer between locations, select the Shift Transfer button at the bottom.
2. This will then load the current shift details. Select the role you would like to transfer from.
3. Select the role you would like to transfer to.
4. Once selected, this will then populate where you are transferring to. To proceed, select the Next button.
5. The employee will then be presented with a final confirmation screen. To save the transfer, select the Transfer button.
Note: When using the app, if you wish to Shift Transfer to a new Geofence, you
must be within the new Geofence before you transfer. If the new Geofence is not
attached to your default Location, Department or Role, you must be rostered in
the new Geofenced Location, Department, Role, Event or Function.