In Event Manager you can either add a new event or copy an existing event. This article will go through these two options.
Add a new event
On the Event Manager page, click Add a new event.
At minimum, you will need to fill out the event's Name, Start Date, End Date, Start Time, and End Time.
Click Create when finished.
Copying an event
If you have events that reoccur at your company, copying an event can be a big time-saver.
First click on the name of the event you wish to copy.
Note: If you don't see the event you want to copy, check your date filters.
In the top-right corner, click the Event button and select Copy.
Choose the Name and Start Date for your event. You can also select if comments, functions, and shift requirements should copy to the new event.
If your event occurs multiple times, use the Make multiple copies option (starting in version 4.7.3). This allows you to select a schedule and a number of occurrences. To prevent the multiple copies from all having the exact same name, we recommend the option to Include start date in Event name.
Click Create when finished.