Maintaining accurate and up-to-date compliance records regarding the qualifications held by your employees is vital to the success of your intelliHR roll out!
No problem, the article below will take you through what you, as a system administrator, will need to do to prep your system and how this can be introduced to your employees
What Resources are You Providing
- Qualification set up guides (Guides for system admins)(Guides for employees)
- Qualifications Import tool
- Template email
- Checklist of tasks to be completed
The Preparation
1. The first step to recording and reporting on qualifications in the intelliHR platform is to add the broad qualification categories such as 'Certificates' or 'Membership' and the specific qualifications relevant to your business that sit within these broader categories. As a system administrator navigate to Settings >> Search : Qualifications and use the following guide to set up the qualifications that you will ultimately be tracking in the system: Setting Up Qualifications.
2. You have now specified the qualifications you will be tracking, and these will now appear as options on an employee's profile and at the point of creating a new employee so you can attach the requirement to employees.
If you are wanting to track qualifications, you most likely are already doing this somewhere else, perhaps in excel, and you now need to get that information into intelliHR, and you don't want to have to do this manually. We understand and have provided you with a Qualifications Data Import Tool in the resources above so you can enter your data into the format we will need in to import this into your intelliHR system.
3. If the existing qualifications you wish to import into intelliHR have attachments (such as electronic copies of certificates) please also provide these to your CSM as these will need to be uploaded manually in this first instance.
How Should I Roll this Out?
There are two main roll-out options for a qualification roll-out:
Option 1 | Option 2 (recommended) | |
Description | Import all of your existing qualifications data and only require employees to add any qualifications that are new or require renewal. | intelliHR imports only the mandatory qualifications/requirements against employee records and the first task for employees when being introduced to qualifications is to upload their qualifications to the platform. |
Advantages |
The Roll-Out
As option 1 will require minimal input from employees the roll-out described below details how option 2 would be implemented:
1. At this point, you have already imported the mandatory qualifications/requirements to employee profiles so the first step is to communicate with employees that they will soon be asked to log in to intelli and provide evidence of the role-specific qualifications they hold.
Template 1 - For users new to intelliHR
We've just started work on a new People Management system, whilst this might not sound exciting to you, we can't wait! intelliHR has a lot of features that will make work life better for everyone. Some of the things we're really looking forward to are:
Right now, we're working behind the scenes to get everything ready. Watch out in the next month for your chance to take a first look and start adding your qualifications. |
Template 2 - For users with experience of intelliHR but new to qualifications
We've been using our People Management system intelliHR for a while now primarily for our [monthly Check-Ins and performance process]. We're now ready to start tracking the qualifications and certification team members are required to have in their role. This task will give you the chance to make sure we have a copy of your most up-to-date qualifications and improve our ability to quickly confirm you have the required certificates to carry out your role. Whilst this might not sound exciting to you, we can't wait! This feature will make work life better for everyone. Some of the things we're really looking forward to are:
Right now, we're working behind the scenes to get everything ready. Watch out in the next month for your chance to start adding your qualifications. |
2. Contact your CSM to confirm the availability of a quick start guide to be activated for employees upon login on the date you intend to go live with qualifications. An example can be seen below:
3. Use the checklist below to ensure you have completed all the necessary tasks for a successful roll-out of qualifications on intelliHR.
- Add all the relevant qualifications and certification that could be required by the business. (Step 1)
- Complete the qualification data import tool. (Step 2)
- intelliHR has imported the mandatory qualifications against each employee's profile.
The Roll-Out
- You have communicated the roll-out of qualifications to your employees (feel free to use one of the email templates above)
- You have confirmed that employees have user accounts with permissions to the qualification tab.
- You have confirmed the date you wish to go live with the rollout and organised with your CSM for the activation of a walkthrough guide to add qualifications.
- Go Live
- Monitor your qualification compliance through Organisation >> Job Requirements
Tip: Asking employees to log in and complete their qualifications is a great way to increase adoption of your platform within the team as the value of maintaining qualifications and certification in one easy to access area introduces employees to the platform in a way that clearly demonstrates the value and functionality of the system.
Warning: No emails for qualification approval are sent from the system, they must be updated in the platform. Handy way to get around this is setting up a recurring weekly/monthly pulse to be emailed to the compliance manager containing a link to the compliance area.