The Analytics in your platform are powered by best-practice tools and automation of data collection – all designed to generate the most relevant, actionable insights. They are real-time HR analytics designed to help you uncover insights that can transform your business. In this area of the system you can use the real-time information to spot trends and make strategic plans to achieve your business goals.
This article covers:
- The 5 Areas in Analytics
- Culture and Community
- Performance and Productivity
- Planning and Financial Drivers
- Risk and Compliance
- Play
The 5 Areas in Analytics
Developed with customers, Analytics have been split into 5 broad sections using key questions to guide you in the direction of the data you are looking for. We've also highlighted the most common questions you are trying to answer in Analytics by highlighting these above the report name.
Culture and Community
Designed to help answer questions regarding sentiment and employee satisfaction in your organisation.
- Business Sentiment Overview - Review the overall mood of your business through analysis of positive and negative sentiment from employee text data over time.
- Employee Satisfaction – Find out if your employees are happy and what key themes are trending across the business. The data are pulled from the happiness rating present in several form designs and key word analysis in those forms.
- Span of Control – Question the efficiency and effectiveness of team sizes across the business through a review of the number of subordinates directly reporting to a supervisor.
- Goal Communication Sentiment - Review how well the organisation communicates about goals through analysis of positive and negative sentiment provided in employee text data from Goal comments over time.
- Feedback and Task Form Data Sentiment - Discover sentiment through analysis of positive and negative sentiment of employee text data used in any forms on the platform over time.
- Diary Note Sentiment - Review sentiment trending provided through employee text data found in Diary Notes over time.
- Performance Improvement Plans Sentiment - Monitor the quality of performance improvement plan records, notes and communication through analysis of employee text data found in Performance Improvement Plans over time.
- Employee Net Promoter Score (Beta) - Using the respected easily benchmarked eNPS metric quickly review the eNPS score of your organisation.
For more information regarding the Sentiment Analysis please refer to the Sentiment Analysis article here.
Performance and Productivity
Designed to focus on your questions around business performance and productivity in your organisation.
- Business Performance - A performance report for the whole organisation, not just the individual! Identify performance trends against key indicators across the business, identify HiPo team members and those that need more help and discover potential gaps in your performance process through a review of organisational performance.
- Goal Performance - Monitor how well the team is delivering on their goals and how this is trending through review of goal completion rates and timeliness of completion across the business.
- Minimum Expectations – At a glance, see if minimum performance expectations are being met across the business. As recorded by supervisors; this report pulls in the data recorded in the ‘Performance Summary Note’ completed by the supervisor.
- Performance Issues – Review trends, emerging risks and cost savings to act on related to formal disciplinary cases being managed by the business. The data is collated from individual performance management issues logged on a team member's profile.
- Training Needs - Understand what training or support is the organisation telling you they need. Text answers from the employee Check-In regarding their training needs and support required. The specific question that this information is pulled from can be changed with the help of your CSM.
Planning and Financial Drivers
Providing the data insights necessary to help you understand where you can optimise to maximise your return on investment in people of your organisation.
- Workforce Headcount – Review your people resources, the workforce demographics and totals employed over time.
- Starters & Leavers – Monitor starter and leaver trends; focus in on organisational dimensions and demographics such as business units, pay grades and work types.
- Span of Control – Question the efficiency and effectiveness of team sizes across the business through a review of the number of subordinates directly reporting to a supervisor.
- Tenure – Identify retention issues and review the average length of time an employee has been employed within the business and filter this data on a departmental and other key demographic dimensions.
- Annual Remuneration – At a glance, review annual remuneration packages in your business and understand the trend of this spend within the business.
- Remuneration Spend – Gain insights into your remuneration spend, your average labour cost trends and forecasts regarding workforce flexibility taken from the remuneration on employee profiles.
- Movements and Change – Review the movement of employees across jobs, roles and business units over time and understand how the organisation is evolving over time.
- Recruitment Spend Analysis – Monitor what your recruitment spend is and on which recruitment sources you are spending your budget, taken from the employee's job tab this data is even more useful when combined with attrition data.
- Training Investment – Put a figure to both the monetary cost and hours the business is investing into training for your team. Data collected from the training tab of your employees to better understand which areas of the business require more support and in what areas.
Risk and Compliance
Gain actionable insights into the risks your business is currently facing and how they can be better managed.
- Safety Concerns – Monitor health, safety or well-being concerns or risks in order to take action. The specific question that this information is pulled from can be changed with the help of your CSM.
- Attrition Analysis – Understand the attrition trends that should be investigated to reduce the risk of future regrettable leavers. Data is pulled from the leavers job attributes such as their tenure, supervisor and business unit and also the attrition reasons identified by the leaver and supervisor provided in exit surveys available in the system. The amend the available leaver reasons and exit survey please speak with your CSM.
- Survival Analytics – Understand the flight risk of employee and if this differs across organisational dimensions or demographic factors. The report combines attrition and tenure analytics Employee View – employee view over reasons for leaving the business. Reasons are fed into the analytics from the ‘Leaving Business Feedback’.
- Performance Issues – Review trends, emerging risks and cost savings to act on related to formal disciplinary cases being managed by the business. The data is collated from individual performance management issues logged on a team member's profile.
- Diary Notes – Gain insight into what HR matters your business is spending time on? If there are any trends, emerging risks or cost savings to act on through analysis of all diary notes recorded on the platform.
- Goals Compliance – Monitor who has active goals and who is setting goals on the platform.
- Task Completion – Review data associated with all form tasks sent from intelliHR. Are people completing important tasks such as policy reviews and sign offs, giving feedback or reviewing probation status by response time and task completion?
Review data and feedback provided through custom surveys and forms created by you on intelliHR.
- Form Data – Let the platform put in the hard work to provide your custom surveys in an easy to understand report allowing you to gain insights into what your people are saying.
Note: Employee Engagement and Performance Enablement customers will have limited functionality with Analytics. Strategic HR customers will have access to all Analytics pages.
The Analytics area of your platform has been designed to provide you with insights and actionable data that you can act on. However, for those that would like to simply export the data provided and manipulate or work with this external a separate area to export all people data and any form responses provided by your team in Settings >> Data Exports.