The Phone Book displays quick contact information (phones and mobiles) for employees as well as their emergency contact and service contact details. This can be helpful if managers and supervisors will not have access to Employee Management, but may have a need to call an employee or an emergency contact.
To access the Phone Book, go to Employee menu > Phone Book.
Phone Book - Contact details for employees. The employees that display will depend on your access level permissions, so you may only see employees in your location or department, as an example. The information on this tab comes from the Personal Details and Locations, Departments, Roles sections of Employee Management.
Emergency Details - Details, including relationship, for the person your employee would like you to contact in case of an emergency. This information is tracked in the Other Info section of an employee's record.
Service Contacts - Company-wide contacts, such as approved electricians or locksmiths, that may need to be contacted. This information is stored in the Services Phone Book in the Back Office under the Kiosk menu > Services Phone Book.
Access Levels
Although the Phone Book is under the Employee menu, Access Level permissions determine who can view it. The phone book can be displayed to employees, however, for privacy purposes you may wish to hide this information at this level.
In addition to determining who can access the phone book page, an additional permission allows just the Emergency Contact Details tab to be turned off.