Training forms an important part of performance on the intelliHR platform. Training Statuses allow the employee and administrators to differentiate between completed training and scheduled/incomplete training in line with other learning management systems. This article will describe the currently available training statuses on intelliHR.
This article covers:
- Training Status Descriptions
- Using Training Statuses
- Changing the Training Status on an Existing Training Record
- Filtering the Training Statuses on an Employee's Training Tab
- Ordering Training on the Employee Training Tab
- Where else will Training Statuses be Visible on the Platform?
Training Status Descriptions
Training Statuses on intelliHR allow you to record both completed training and current training that may have a completion date in the future. There are 4 training statuses available and they are as follows.
It is not possible to amend the list of Training Statuses.
Note: At present, changes to training status is currently manual i.e. it must be selected or changed by the user; however, the different statuses will facilitate further development of automation between your LMS and intelliHR.
- Enrolled
When the subject person has enrolled in a training item but has not yet started. A “Scheduled Completion Date” can be provided however it is not required.
- In Progress
When the subject person has started a training item. A “Scheduled Completion Date” can be provided however it is not required.
- Completed
When the subject person has successfully completed a training item. A “Completion Date” must be provided. Note: This “Completion Date” must not be in the future.
- Did Not Complete
When the subject person did not successfully complete a training item. An “End Date” must be provided. Note: This “End Date” must not be in the future.
Using Training Statuses
The first time you enter a training record you will be asked to provide a training status.
When using the Enrolled or In Progress status, the user is presented with the option to enter a Scheduled Completion Date.
When using the Completed status, the user is presented with the option to enter a Completion Date.
When using the Did not Complete status, the user is presented with the option to enter an End Date.
Changing the Training Status on an Existing Training Record
Upon completion of training that an employee was previously enrolled into the user and/or administrator may want to amend the training status to reflect the current status e.g. move this to Completed once the training has ended. To do this the user should follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to the Training tab
2. Select the action button (three dots)
3. Select Update Status
4. Update the status, completion date and if required the hours of training
5. Select Update Status
Filtering the Training Statuses on the Employee's Training Tab
The employee's Training tab will display the current status of each training record on the screen and this can be filtered to look for specific status e.g to review any training not completed.
To filter for a specific status:
1. Select Filter on the Training tab
2. Filter by Status
3. Select the Status you wish to view
Ordering Training on the Employee's Training Tab
When different training statuses are in use on an employee profile they will be grouped and ordered as per below:
- Enrolled
- In Progress
- Completed and Did not Complete (these statuses are considered the same priority and are ordered by the completion/end date)
There is also secondary ordering where there are multiple trainings with the same status and completion/end date. These are ordered by created date, so the latest trainings will be shown first
Where else will Training Statuses be Visible on the Platform?
Performance Report: Any training items that have provided a completion/end date (including scheduled completion dates) that fall within the performance report's date range.
Dashboard Tiles: All training items with hours logged on them will be reported on the dashboard training tiles if they fall within one of the quarters being reported on, according to their completion/end date (including scheduled completion date). Any training items without a scheduled completion date will be reported on as at today.
Analytics: Coming Soon - training statuses are not currently available in analytics but this will be included as the feature continues to develop.