Qualifications can be managed on an individual’s profile. However, as a system administrator, you can also have visibility over the status of mandatory qualifications across your business to ensure total compliance.
To Manage Mandatory Job Requirements
1. Navigate to Organisation >> Job Requirements
2. The Job Requirements Overview will be displayed.
- Total Compliance: A visual representation the number of mandatory qualifications set for employees against the number of employees with those mandatory qualifications currently met and recorded on their record.
- Total Non-Compliant: The number of employees that have not met the mandatory qualification requirements.
- Expiring Soon: The number of mandatory qualifications about to expire in the next month based on the expiry date.
- Awaiting Approval: The number of mandatory qualifications that have been added but are awaiting approval.
3. To manage the non-compliant qualifications filter the records to show all items where Status is Non Compliant or Awaiting Approval. Click on the relevant qualification name to view a list of all employees who are non-compliant.
4. Select the name of the employee whose record you would like to manage. This will take you through to the Qualifications tab on their profile.
Tip: For You can export all mandatory and non-mandatory qualifications by selecting Export All Qualifications in the top right of the qualifications compliance tab. For more information on managing qualifications for employees, see How to submit a mandatory qualification.