Dashboard Action Tiles on intelliHR are the custom dashboards that can be seen on the home screen when you first log in. These are customisable and individual to each intelliHR customer. The creation and maintenance of these customisable dashboards are owned by you providing you with the ability to create those that will have the most impact on your business.
This overview aims to provide a brief explanation of both the creation and maintenance of dashboard action tiles.
This article covers:
- How to create dashboard action tiles
- How to edit dashboard action tiles
- How to reorder dashboard action tiles
How to create a new dashboard action tile
1. Navigate to your Dashboard
2. Select Manage dashboard actions
3. Select Create Dashboard Action
4. Choose the type of action you would like the user to be prompted to do. This could be:
- Fill in a form
- Request a form to be completed by someone else
- Or; be directed to a URL
If you select one of the two form options:
4a. Select the form or forms that you want to be available through the tile
4b. Determine who the form will be about
5. Provide a title, description and icon to be associated with the tile.
6. Select Next.
7. Select the visibility of the dashboard action tile. Click here to review our article on making tiles available to select groups. The options are:
- Everyone - as soon as the tile is live it will be visible to all employees
- Filtered - the dashboard tile will only be visible to people who match the filters you choose; for example, only including people with direct reports will ensure the tile is only visible to managers.
- Hidden - the dashboard tile will be hidden from everyone; however, users with direct access to the tile URL can still navigate to the action page
8. Select Create.
Once you have created your new dashboard tile, you can edit or delete a tile at any time by clicking on Manage Dashboard Action Tiles on the right-hand side of your screen.
How to edit a dashboard action tile
1. Navigate to your Dashboard
2. Select Manage dashboard actions on the right-hand side of your screen. You will be taken to the Dashboard Actions page in Settings.
3. Click on the 3 dots next to each dashboard tile to edit or delete the tile.
4. From the edit page you can change the behaviour of the tile (what form is attached or the URL the user is directed to), the appearance of the tile (name, description or icon) or the visibility of the tile.
How to reorder dashboard action tiles
1. Navigate to the Dashboard
2. Select Manage dashboard actions
3. Drag and drop to reorder the tiles by selecting the tile on the left-hand side.