Availability Approvals were introduced in version of Humanforce. This allows a manager or administrator to approve availability changes submitted by employees, similar in concept to approving leave requests.
To use Availability Approvals, your Humanforce system must first be configured correctly. Refer to How do I configure Availability Approvals? for more information on the set up.
Reviewing and Approving Availability Requests
Go to Management > Availability Approvals.
Select the date range you would like to review and click Apply. You can limit the employees included by using the funnel icon to filter by Location, Department, Role, Event, Pay Company, or by Employees reporting to me. You can also filter to just show pending requests in the date range.
The requested availability will be shown as below:
Red bar | Full day unavailability | |
Amber bar | Partial day unavailability (hover or open for details) | |
Dashed bar | Pending request | |
Solid bar | Approved request | |
Circle icon | Recurring Availability request |
To action an availability request, double-click on the request. Review the date(s) and times affected and either Approve or Decline.
If approved, the line will turn solid. If declined, the request will disappear. Either way, the employee will receive a notification, if these are turned on.
If a request has been approved, you can double-click on the approved request (solid line) and see who approved the request and when.
If a request later needs to be declined, you can also click Decline.
Viewing Pending Availability on Other Screens
When an employee is viewing their availability in Humanforce Web, they will see a circle with a ? if their request is pending and a box with an X once approved.
Employee Roster
On the employee roster, requested (not approved) unavailability will appear with a striped background and when you hover over the day, it will tell you that the unavailability is requested. Once approved, the day appears in solid grey instead.
If only part of the day has been requested as unavailable, the specific times will appear as well with the striped background until approved.
Department Roster
Similarly, when selecting an employee for a shift on the Department Roster, if their availability has not been approved, it will display with a striped grey background.