Organisation Objectives are the strategic goals of your organisation. Set by leadership teams but visible to all team members the org objectives allow you to provide a clear roadmap of the strategic goals of your business to all employees. Providing transparency and consistency for all employees the use of org objectives will assist all members of your organisation with a clear picture of the business aims and how they can align their own goals to drive organisational excellence. This article will explain how the organisation objectives can be set, who has access to set them and how they can be updated.
This article covers:
- Setting Organisation Objectives
- Access to Organisation Objectives
- Updating Organisation Objectives
- Organisation Objective States
Setting Organisation Objectives
To set organisation objectives:
1. Navigate to Organisation >> Org Objectives on the left-hand menu.
Note: To set organisation objectives the user must either be a system administrator or have access to the following permission:
2. Select Create Organisation Objective.
3. Give your Objective a name e.g. Increase business revenue by 25%.
4. Select Change Banner to select an image related to your objective and brand with your organisation colours.
5. Enter the Date Range the objective will be active for.
Note: Org Objectives can be added retrospectively and also future dated, allowing you to prepare the objectives in advance of rolling out to a wider audience.
6. Select Publish Immediately if you wish the objective to be instantly visible, or choose a Publish Date when the objective will be visible.
Note: Publish Dates must be set on or before the start date of the organisation objective.
7. Enter the Key Results and Initiatives that will allow the business to track progress and measure success against this organisation objective.
Note: Similar to the existing goals function on your platform the key results and initiatives are crucial in proving a breakdown of how the business is going to achieve this objective.
Key Results refer to numerical targets the business will need to achieve in order to complete the objective.
Initiatives refer to actions, that do not have a quantity associated with them, that must be completed in order to achieve the objective.
8. Select Save Objective
9. Review the new Organisation Objective
Access the Organisation Objectives
There are two levels of access to the organisation objectives.
- System Administrators and those users who have been provided with the permission below will be able to create, edit, archive and delete organisation objectives.
- All other employees will automatically gain visibility over any organisation objective that is marked as 'Active','Past' or 'Upcoming(Published)'. There are no specific permissions that need to be granted to employees to be able to view the organisational objectives.
Updating Organisation Objectives
Only system administrators and those with the permission highlighted above are able to edit organisation objectives.
Updating organisation objectives can be further broken into two categories: editing an existing org objective to amend the objective and or measurements, and recording progress towards the organisation objective.
To record progress towards the organisation objective:
1. Navigate to Organisation >> Org Objectives
2. Click on the initiatives to complete these and click on the key results to edit progress towards these.
3. As you record the current progress the measurement progress bar at the top of the page will display the % progress towards the objective and also the number of days remaining until the due date.
To edit the existing organisation objective and/or the measurements set:
1. Navigate to Organisation >> Org Objectives.
2. Click on the Action button >> Edit.
3. Make the required changes to your organisational objective and Save Objective.
Organisation Objective States
Active - Organisation Objectives with a start date in the past, and an end date in the future. An active Organisation Objective must be published. These are visible to all staff.
Upcoming (Unpublished) - Organisation Objectives with a start date and publish date in the future. These are only visible to those with the organisation_objectives.manage permission.
Upcoming (Published) - Organisation Objectives with a start date in the future, and a publish date in the past (including the current day). Once an Organisation Objective is published, it cannot be unpublished. These are visible to all staff.
Past - Organisation Objectives with an end date in the past. Organisation Objectives will move to the Past state regardless of if all of the key results and initiatives were achieved or not. These are visible to all staff.
Archived - Organisation Objectives that have been archived. These are only visible to those with the organisation_objectives.manage permission.