Organisation Objectives are the strategic goals of your organisation. Set by leadership teams but visible to all team members the org objectives allow leadership to provide a clear roadmap of the strategic goals of your business to all employees. Both teams and individuals can align their goals with the organisation objectives to identify their contribution to the mission of the organisation. This article will explain how individual team members and administrators can use the alignment tree within organisation objectives to understand where their contribution sits in the big picture.
This article covers:
- Goal Alignment Visibility for administrators
- Goal Alignment Visibility for employees
- Viewing 'My Contribution' to Organisation Objectives
Goal Alignment Visibility for administrators
As a system administrator, you are able to view all of the goals aligned to an organisation objective, including the alignment tree that can be expanded to display every goal that has been aligned to the objective. To do this follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to Organisation on the left-hand menu
2. Select Organisation Objectives
3. Click on any of the organisation objectives to view a breakdown of the goal measurements, your contribution, and the alignment tree containing a visualisation of all goals aligned to that specific organisation objective.
4. The page is split into three sections: Organisation Objective breakdown, My Contribution and Alignment Tree
- Organisation Objective Breakdown: View the Key Results and Initiatives that need to be achieved in order for the organisation to achieve the objective
- My Contribution: View the goals that you have aligned to the organisation objective; you can align more than one of your individual goals to the organisation objectives
- Alignment Tree: Select Expand All to review the alignment tree; a visual representation of all the goals set, with completion progress rate, the name of the goal setter, and the name of the aligned goal
- Where goals have been shared with a team member who is yet to set their own goal aligned to it this will display on the alignment tree as 'No goal set'
- By clicking on the name of any goals you will be taken to the employee's goals tab where you can review the goal in depth.
Goal Alignment Visibility for employees
As an employee, you have visibility of the alignment tree, designed to display all goals aligned with the organisation objective. What you can see in the alignment tree is dependent on:
- Who you have permission to view goals for
- Which goals you are aligned to
- Which goals are aligned with your goals
To view how your goals are aligned to the organisation objective follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to Organisation on the left-hand menu
2. Select Organisation Objectives
3. Click on any of the organisation objectives to view a breakdown of the goal measurements, your contribution, and the alignment tree containing a visualisation of all goals aligned to that specific organisation objective.
4. In most cases employees do not have access to view all goals in the system (most employees will have access to view their own goals and those of their subordinates i.e. anybody reporting directly or indirectly to them) With this in mind when viewing the alignment tree as an employee the following rules apply (the image below will be referenced in these comments):
- You will have visibility of goals that have been shared with you e.g. if your manager shared their goal with you in order for you to create a more specific goal aligned to theirs, and in turn the organisation objective.
- You will have visibility of goals that are aligned with your own goal (directly and indirectly). For example, CP (see image below) has aligned their goal with their supervisor's (PG) goal and the direct reports of CP have then aligned their goals to CPs. PG is therefore able to view all of these goals.
- You will not have visibility of goals created by those more than one level above you in the reporting line. For example, PG is able to view the goal of their supervisor (HG) in the image below but is not able to see the name of the goal shared with their supervisor by their supervisor's manager (LM). The goal will appear as 'Goal hidden' in the alignment tree.
Viewing 'My Contribution' to Organisation Objectives
You are considered to be contributing to an organisation objective if you are aligned to it either directly (the objective is the parent of your goal) or indirectly (your goal is aligned to another goal, and somewhere up the alignment chain a goal has the objective as its parent).
If you view an objective you are aligned to on the Organisation Objectives list page, you will see a checkmark which states 'You are aligned to this objective'.
Click on the Organisation Objective to open the full view. The 'My Contribution' section will contain any goals you have aligned to the objective.
Your contribution to the organisation objective will also be highlighted in the alignment tree with the label 'My Contribution'. (See above)
If your aligned goal is nested deep within the alignment tree, or if you are having trouble finding it in the tree, you can select 'Find in Tree' from the dropdown menu on the goal in the My Contribution section.
It will expand the entire alignment tree and briefly flash a highlight on the relevant goal.