The intelliHR platform gives System Administrators access to a range of field types when creating their form designs so that they can completely customise each form to their needs.
The Form Item Library allows System Administrators to create standard fields that can be used across multiple forms.
This article covers:
Adding a Form Item to the Library
1. Go to Settings >> Form Item Library
2. Click Create Form Item
3. This will take you to a new page where you can select from a range of fields to add.
4. Select the desired field (see What fields can I add to a form?).
5. Complete the required details to customise the field (this will depend on the field type selected).
6. Select Save at the bottom of the page.
Please note that once a Form Item has been added to the Library it cannot be edited.
How to add a Form Item (from Library) to a Form
1. Navigate to Engagement >> Form Designs.
2. Select Edit on the Form Design you wish to add a field to.
3. Select the Add Field box at the top or bottom of the page.
4. In the drop-down list, there will be a section called Library. This is where any form items that you have created in the Form Item Library can be seen.
5. Select the form item you want to add to your form.
6. Select Save at the bottom of the page.
7. This will appear at the bottom of the list. To move the form item, use the up and down arrows.
8. Preview your form at any time by clicking Preview Form at the top of the editing page.