We publish detailed release notes and more generalised roadmap content to keep our customers up to date on new features, updates and bug fixes. Learn more about the two styles and how to stay up to date on what's new and upcoming and Humanforce.
This article covers;
Subscribing to General Product Updates
As soon as new features are added or enhancements are released to intelliHR, we will publish release notes on our Product Updates page here. Make sure to select intelliHR on the right hand menu for just intelliHR product updates.
1. To receive an email notification when new release notes are available, select Subscribe to Product Updates from this page.
2. Select how you want to be contacted (email, slack or RSS) and hit Subscribe.
Following Detailed Release Notes
In the support portal, you can follow sections and individual articles. You cannot follow entire categories.
1. Navigate to the section or topic that you want to follow >> Release Notes
2. Click Follow, then choose notifications for only "New Articles" or "New articles and comments".
- For "New articles", you will receive email notifications for new articles/posts only in the section.
- For "New articles and comments", you will receive email notifications for all new articles in the section and any new comments.
Unfollowing Content
You can stop following content at any time if you no longer want to receive notifications. For sections and topics, you can also modify your subscription if you decide you only want notifications for new articles/posts and not all comments or vice versa.
To stop following a section or topic
- In the section or topic, click Following, then select Unfollow.
The button changes to Follow, indicating that you are no longer following the post and will no longer receive updates over email.