This article describes how to configure Shift Definitions in Humanforce Cloud via Admin > System Config > Shift Definitions.
Important Update for v6.0.31
As of version 6.0.31 released on 24th July 2024, Shift Definitions will only be configurable in Humanforce Cloud. The Back Office configuration function will be removed.
Any multiple-scope Shift Definitions created in the Back Office will be split into individual Shift Definitions,
each with a single scope, to improve usability and simplify setup.
What are Shift Definitions?
Shift Definitions are predefined shift times and breaks that can be applied to a shift when rostering by selecting from a drop-down. Using Shift Definitions streamlines the process of scheduling by allowing predefined shift times to be quickly applied to shifts.
This provides a quick and easy way to apply predefined values in the following fields when setting up rosters:
- Start Time
- End Time
- Break Time
- Break Duration
- Qualifications can also be defined, however application of any defined qualifications is also dependant on Clock In Settings configuration.
Where/how are Shift Definitions used?
The various Rostering screens such as Roster Manager (as below) will display the configured Shift Definitions in the 'Shift Definition' dropdown field.
The Shift Definition dropdown will only display the entries that meet the Location, Department and/or Role requirements as defined in the Shift Definition configuration.
All users will have access to view this field when adding a shift.
To apply a Shift Definition to a shift:
- Navigate to the shift
- Select the desired option from the Shift Definition dropdown
- Visually confirm that the Shift Times, Break Time and duration have automatically updated to match the predefined Shift Definition configuration, and is the shift definition you were intending to apply.
- Click Save.
The Shift Definition dropdown will be populated either with the Name or the Short Name data entered at time of configuration (see below), depending on the below setting found in the General tab of the Admin > Admin Config > System Settings page.
Where ticked, the configured Short Name will be used in Rostering screens
Where unticked, the configured Name will be used in Rostering screens
Enabling Access
Access to the Shift Definition configuration screens in HF Web, along with the permission to Add/Edit records are controlled by the following permissions.
To activate these permissions:
- In HF Web, go to Admin > Security Config > Access Levels
- For the relevant Access Level row, click Edit
- Click on the Permissions tab
- Search for Shift Definition
- Find the permissions under Maintenance Screens
- For read only access to the Shift Definition page, tick Shift Definition
- To edit existing entries, tick Edit
- To add Shift Definitions, tick Add
- For delete access, tick Delete
- After making your selection, click Apply Changes.
Viewing, Adding and Editing Shift Definitions
Access the Shift Definitions configuration page via Admin > System Config > Shift Definitions
The main Shift Definitions page displays all existing Shift Definitions.
To search and manage existing shift definitions:
- Use the search bar to find specific shift definitions.
- Toggle Show/Hide Inactive records to view or hide inactive records.
- Click the pencil icon in the Manage column to Edit existing records.
- Use the respective icons to Deactivate/Activate a shift definition.
The Manage column and associated icons will not be visible where the Edit permission is inactive.
The Add Shift Definition button will not be visible where the Add permission is inactive.
Adding/Editing a Shift Definition
To add a new Shift Definition, click the Add Shift Definition button at the top right of the screen.
To edit an existing Shift Definition, click the edit (pencil) icon in the Manage column against the record you wish to edit.
In the Add or Edit window that appears, you can add/edit the following fields:
Name - depending on System Settings (see above), the Name can be displayed in the Shift Definition dropdown on the Rosters screens (100 character limit, mandatory).
- Note: in Backoffice this field is also referred to as 'Shortcut'.
- Short Name - depending on System Settings (see above), the Short Name can be displayed in the Shift Definition dropdown on the Rosters screens (20 character limit, mandatory).
- Export Code - used as a reference when exporting Shift Definitions
- Start Time - the time that will be entered into the Start Time field of the shift when selecting the Shift Definition
- End Time - the time that will be entered into the End Time field of the shift when selecting the Shift Definition
- Break Time - the time that will be entered into the Break Time field of the shift when selecting the Shift Definition - applies to unpaid break only.
- Break Duration - the number of minutes that will be entered into the Length (mins) field of the shift when selecting the Shift Definition - applies to unpaid break only.
- Default Toggle - tick this checkbox if the Shift Definition should be automatically selected when the shift's Location, Department or Role matches the Shift Definition configuration. Note: this function is currently not yet available in Roster Manager.
Shift Definition Scope - Select one option from the dropdown, eg if the Shift Definition should only be able to be applied to shifts in a specific Location, select 'Location' from the dropdown. All LDRs are visible regardless of the user's access level permissions.
- Location/Department/Role
- Department/Role
- Location/Role
- Location/Department
- Role
- Department
- Location
- Location/Department/Role (all current and future)
- Selection of this option will display the Shift Definition on all shifts, regardless of LDR, including LDRs created in the future. Use this setting where the Shift Definition should be available for selection on all shifts.
Scope Configuration - Map which Location, Department and/or Roles can utilise this definition based on the Shift Definition Scope selected.
- Dropdown will be disabled until a Shift Definition Scope is selected
- This field is disabled at all times where Location/Department/Role (all current and future) has been selected, as that option automatically applies to all LDRs.
- The Department and Roles will not appear in the Scope Configuration dropdowns if they are not correctly linked to the upstream entry eg when selecting 'Departments' as the scope, the Scope Configuration dropdown will only show departments that are linked to a location.
Qualifications - If required, select the qualification(s) required for the shift.
- For this configuration to take effect, the "Employee Shift Definition Qualification" Roster alert type warning must also be active in the Clock In Settings>Alerts. Only where this warning is active will an alert will be presented in the Rostering screens where the employee assigned to the shift using this Shift Definition does not meet the qualification requirement.
Deactivating/Activating a Shift Definition
- To view inactive records, toggle the Show Inactive Shift Definition which will update the table to include records in an Inactive status.
- Shift Definitions in an Active status can be deactivated by clicking the Deactivate icon against the required record. The deactivated record will no longer be visible where the inactive records toggle is not selected. Inactive records cannot be edited.
- Shift Definitions in an Inactive status can be activated by clicking the Activate icon against the required record. The status will be updated to 'Active' and the record will be editable.