Onboarding Form Templates
Will we be able to use PAPI integrated systems to trigger the new Onboarding feature?
Yes, pre-start onboarding options are now available on our Public API. Click here to learn more.
What does hidden on the Onboarding Form Template mean?
Fields marked as "Hidden" will not be shown to new starters while they complete their Onboarding Form. Permissions about what the employee can/can't see on their profile once they log into intelliHR are managed in permissions.
Will the information the new starter provides on the Onboarding Form Template flow into their intelliHR profile?
Yes, their intelliHR profile will be updated immediately.
Can we require the new starter to upload documents during their Onboarding?
Yes, you will need to detail what documents and any necessary instructions on the Onboarding Form Template.
If staff don't complete the onboarding form the first time they open it, can they come back to it?
Yes, the new starter can exit the Onboarding Form Template and reaccess it via the link in the Pre-Start Welcome email. They may lose progress if they do not complete and save the full form.
Is it possible to send out these onboarding forms for an existing employee? If we wanted to use it to update details?
Yes, you can do this by issuing an onboarding session to them from the Onboarding tab on their profile by selecting "Issue Onboarding".
Can I re-order the fields in the Onboarding Form Templates?
The only fields you can re-order are the Person Custom Fields and the Person Custom Fields Categories. These will respect the ordering defined in Settings >> Custom Fields.
Can I format the descriptions in the Onboarding Form Templates?
Yes, you can format the descriptions for each field using Markdown. We support Bold, Italics, Numbered Lists, Bullet Points, and Hyperlinks. Click here to learn more about Markdown.
Job Requirements
Can we collect an attachment from the person onboarding when they provide their job requirements?
Yes, the Job Requirements will respect your configuration of each Qualification Library Item including attachments, expiry dates and certificate numbers.
Pre-Start Access
What if their start date changes, does the platform access date update or do we need to do this manually?
The platform access date will remain as the date you've selected. If their Company Start Date is updated you may also choose to edit their platform access date on their User Account.
Can you send the onboarding form without allowing any regular user access to the platform?
Yes, you can do this by selecting a future dated "User Account Activation Date" and selecting an Onboarding Template.
Onboarding Process
Where in the employee journey does this happen i.e. before or after contract acceptance?
This will depend on your unique process.
If there are forms in our onboarding workflow that need to be filled out prior to day one and we select a future dated "User Account Activation Date" will that mean they cannot complete these forms?
The new starter can still complete any forms sent to their personal email address from the link in their email without logging into intelliHR. This behaviour has not changed.
How will the onboarding feature work when passing details through to WFM?
If the integration is set up between intelliHR and WFM, personal details and approved qualifications will flow through based on your data mapping in the integration. Click here to learn about our iHR|WFM integration.
What Emails are sent as part of this process?
The below emails are sent to the new starter based on the configuration of their User Account. Click here to learn more about Email Templates in intelliHR.
- system.user.welcomePreStart.email.body - Sent to a user when "Pre-onboarding access (limited)" is selected as their access type when their user account is configured. This email prompts the user to complete their pre-onboarding as prescribed by the administrator. Sent at the time the user account is created.
- system.user.preStartLoginCode.email.body - Contains the One Time Password Code for new users when "Pre-onboarding access (limited)" has been configured in their user account setup and they have followed the link in the Pre-Start Email. Ensures secure access without full access to intelliHR. Sent once the user clicks the link in the "system.user.welcomePreStart.email.body" email. The code expires after 5 minutes.
- system.user.welcomePasswordSet.email. body - Default welcome email sent to users with a link to set their password when a user account is created the option for the new user to set their password is selected. If Pre-Start Access is configured, this email will be sent on the "Platform access (enabled) date".
What permissions do I need to use this feature?
If this feature is enabled in your intelliHR platform and you are a System Administrator, you will automatically have access to this feature.
If you are not a System Administrator, you will need the below permissions;
- settings.onboarding_templates.view - View the Onboarding Form Templates
- settings.onboarding_templates.manage - Manage the Onboarding Form Templates
- people.onboarding_session.create - Issue Onboarding Sessions
- people.onboarding_session.view - View Onboarding Sessions
- people.onboarding_session.edit - Edit Onboarding Sessions
- people.onboarding_session.delete - Delete Onboarding Sessions
How can I tell if someone has completed their Onboarding Form Template?
To understand if someone has completed their Onboarding Form Template, navigate to People >> Onboarding to review the Onboarding Overview page
You can also navigate to the individual's profile and review their Onboarding tab.