intelliHR's Job Approvals feature provides the ability for HR Admins to facilitate the delegation of job data management while also creating a process that is standardized and ensures accuracy. Through the job approval function, admins can create an approval workflow that ensures all job updates can be made by managers but approved by the relevant people prior to any changes coming into effect on the employee record. The following article will provide an overview of the function and a step-through guide on how this can be configured.
This article covers:
- Overview
- Permissions Required
- How to setup Job Update Approvers
- Reviewing Job Update Approvals
- Job Approval Notifications
As a System Administrator, you may decide that you would like to empower your managers to be able to instigate job updates on the records of their direct reports. However, to ensure accuracy and satisfy the business requirements that these changes have been approved by the relevant people, the Job Update Approval function will allow you to configure a standardized process that must be adhered to each time a Job Update is actioned.
The job approval function allows you to set up a process where users, such as managers, can be provided with permission to update jobs for their direct reports. This process is safeguarded by a configured approval process which means any change to an employee's job record must always go through the same approval process.
Approval Processes can have up to ten approvers that can include, but are not limited to supervisors, a supervisor's supervisor, and location representatives providing a certain level of flexibility in who is an approver for job changes.
Permissions Required to Configure Job Update Approvals
For the Supervisor making the change
Supervisors who will initiate the job update process must have permission to edit the jobs of subordinates.
Note: There are a number of job attributes that a supervisor can be given permission to update but the above permission is the foundational permission they must have checked in order to start the update process.
For HR Managers able to make changes without going through the approval process
HR Managers or members of the People and Culture Team who will be making changes to employee job records regularly and do not need to go through the standard approval process should have the following permission.
For Administrators that need to configure the approval process
System administrators will automatically be able to bypass the approval process; however, if additional admins also require the ability to configure and manage the approval settings, the following permission can be assigned.
How to Setup Job Update Approvers
To enable the Job Update Approvers Feature
1. Go to Settings >> Job Update Approvers
2. Check the box 'Enable Job Approvals'
3. Update Settings
How to configure the Job Approvers
1. Go to Settings >> All Settings >> Job Update Approvers
2. Here you'll find boxes where you can allocate multiple job update approvers. You can add up to 10 approvers. Approvers can be:
- Subject Person
- Supervisor
- Supervisor's Supervisor
- Location Representatives
- Business Unit Representatives
- Specific Person
3. Update Settings
Once the Job Update Approval flow has been configured all job updates made by anyone without the permission to override the approval process will flow through this process.
Reviewing Job Updates Approvals
Assigned Job Update Approvers will be able to navigate to Job Updates and view any current or past job updates that have been updated through the approval process.
1. Open the Organisation drop-down via the left-hand menu
2. Click Job Updates
3. You will be able to view Pending, Completed and Rejected Job Updates.
4. Clicking on any Pending Job Updates will open up what changes are being made on that employees record displaying the old and new values and the approve or reject buttons.
Job Approval Notifications
To ensure that Approvers are notified of pending and rejected updates, you must configure a Job Update Approval Required Event Notification and a Job Pending Update Rejected Event Notification.
When setting the Notification Target, make sure to tick "Send notification to the affected employee" only. This will allow the notification to target the next approver in line.
Learn more about Event Notifications
- Job creation or job changes via the bulk data import tool will not require the approval processes and instead bypass this, creating or updating the jobs as required.