intelliHR allows organisations to set a time zone via the UTC format.
The purpose of this Date and Time Unification is to lay a consistency across the organisation and its people. Since many people within the same organisation can exist in different timezones, certain time/date related features such as due dates may become confusing.
This aims to clearly communicate a centralised time and date for the organisation.
This article covers:
- Navigating the Organisation's Date/Time Settings
- Setting Timezone in a User's Account Settings
- How This Will Affect Forms and Notifications
Navigating the Organisation's Date/Time settings
To access the Date/Time setting go to:
- Settings
- Search System Settings
From here you can select the tenant's default time zone via UTC format.
You can also select the default format for how dates and times are written/displayed in the system.
Once this is set, it will be displayed in various places among intelliHR's pages for ease of reference.
Setting a Timezone in a User's Account Settings
Individual users can set their own time zones against the organization's timezone. To do this navigate to:
- Settings
- Search Account Settings
How Will This Affect Forms and Notifications?
Forms and Global Notifications will not be affected by the Organisation's Date/Time settings. These are calculated based on the Tenant Timezone and the Tenant Default Send Time.
These settings are found in System Variables which is an internal intelliHR setting and not available for end users or system administrators. If you are a system administrator and wish for these to be changed, please reach out to our support team at
What this will affect are Company Start and End Dates. If a person is starting on a particular day, the exact date will be in line with the date of the company Timezone set in Organisation Settings.