Settings are the back-end of your intelliHR system where System Administrators have the ability to apply a broad range of customizations to establish the look and feel of their intelliHR ecosystem for their organization. If you are curious as to whether a certain area of the platform can be configured you can review this article for a brief description of each setting.
This article covers:
Account Settings
A range of actions can take place here including:
- Viewing their own profile and primary email address
- Selecting their preferred language on the platform
- Changing password to their platform
- Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication
- View and Withdraw Consent to User Disclaimer
Default Visibility: All employees with a User Account can view their own Account Settings.
System Settings
This setting is incredibly user-friendly and will enable the system administrator to configure the following organizational initiatives;
- Determine the branding and appearance of email messages automated through the platform
- Set a default language for all new user accounts
- Ascribe the operational business days that automation will follow
- Determine platform levity
- Enable a Supervisor Early Access Period
- Personalize branding on the platform with Default Logo, Splash Image, and Cover Images
Default Visibility: System Administrators in StrategicHR, Performance Enablement, and Employee Engagement Plans
Custom Fields
Custom fields allow you to track even more information about your employees through intelliHR, and the best thing is this can be personalized to store whatever data you want. Custom fields can be displayed on an employee's Profile, Remuneration Schedule, and Training records.
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Event Notifications
This setting enables you to manage when and how system events notify users.
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This section is all about the user experience, from their initial login to intelliHR to the scope of features and functionality available to your employees platform-wide.
User Accounts
Within our User Account Settings, System Administrators can determine which employees will have access to the intelliHR platform.
By creating a User Account for an employee, a Username and Password are created for the employee to access the platform, rather than having employees exclusively access and complete forms through notifications sent to their email inbox.
Default Visibility: System Administrators in StrategicHR, Performance Enablement, and Employee Engagement Plans
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This is a powerful setting within the intelliHR platform that enables System Administrators complete control over what employees can see, do and access on their platform. On the most basic level, everything an employee can see or do on the platform is controlled through the Permissions that are assigned to their User Account.
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Single Sign-On
This setting allows users in your organization to rely on your own internal authentication system, such as your email provider, and seamlessly access all the different business systems in your environment with that single login.
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Delegated Access
As a system default, all employees can be allocated a Supervisor which provides said Supervisor with a suite of tools to better manage their direct reports. As we recognize that certain businesses may have multiple supervisors for a single employee, Delegated Access supports the ability of multiple supervisors to access the management tools available on an employee's profile page.
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Developer Portal
This setting will connect you with the intelliHR API documentation which is consistently updated by our Integrations team.
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Public API Access Keys
This setting will enable the creation of Public API Access Keys. This will be most relevant to your business when working with our Integrations Specialist to build out integrations partner applications.
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Outgoing webhook is supported to power one-way data sharing via URL triggered by specific events in the system.
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Although we have a wide range of integration partners that can be viewed through our intelliHR marketplace, this setting is dedicated to our native integrations with Xero (Australia), Go1, and JobAdder.
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Email Templates
To keep up to date with all that is happening within your intelliHR platform we have created email templates that will be sent following different events. These templates are customizable.
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Audit Log
This setting will enable you to review actions taken on your platform and see who actioned those changes.
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Integrations Log
This setting will enable you to review any integrations live on your platform with success and error messages.
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The settings found within the section are specific to fields within an employee's Person Profile that are configurable.
Person Titles
This setting will allow Person Titles (ie. Mr, Ms, Dr) to be created, managed, and archived.
Employment Conditions
Through this setting, employment conditions can be created and linked to pay grades.
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Work Rights
This setting allows you to define the work rights for relevant countries that can be applied to and recorded against your workforce.
Default Remuneration Components
Through this setting, default remuneration components can be configured to automatically prefill in the create job form to reduce data entry.
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Job Update Approvers
This setting allows you to manage the approvers for job updates on your platform.
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Job Update Reasons
When updating a job on an employee's profile, there is the opportunity to select a job change reason from a dropdown select field. The Job Change Reasons can be created and managed through this setting.
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Position Titles
Standardized Job or Position Titles for your business can be configured through this setting. Position Titles can also be created on the fly while creating a new person and job.
Default Visibility: System Administrators in Strategic, Performance, and Engagement Plans
Turnover Reasons
When finalizing an employee's company end date through their job tab, a turnover reason can be selected from a dropdown field. The turnover reasons can be created and managed through this setting.
Work Classes
Work Classes are most commonly used to stipulate the number of hours an employee works each week. Each employee can be ascribed a single Work Class. Work Classes can be utilized as filters within analytics and automation.
Recruitment Sources
When creating a new job for an employee a recruitment source can be selected from a dropdown field. The recruitment sources can be created and managed through this setting.
Pay Grades
Pay Grades effectively allows your business to create or assign a payment structure unique to your business. Each employee can be ascribed a single Pay Grade. Pay Grades can be utilized as filters within analytics and automation.
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Leave Types
This setting will allow you to create and manage extended leave reasons which can be viewed when setting an employee to extended leave on the employee job profile.
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Document Folders
This setting will allow you to create folders on an employee's documents tab so that documents can be organised for better visibility and permissions can be set on each folder within the documents tab.
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Data Import/Export
This tool can be used to make bulk changes to the system using CSVs. The Export function will allow for select data to be pulled from the system, making it easier to alter this data in an excel format and Import it with the updated information.
Related Help Articles:
- Export using the Bulk Data Tool
- Update Jobs using the Bulk Data Tool
- Update People using the Bulk Data Tool
- Creating Jobs using the Bulk Data Tool
- Creating People using the Bulk Data Tool
- Remuneration Reviews using the Bulk Data Tool
- Updating Remuneration using the Bulk Data Tool
- Create/Update Locations using the Bulk Data Tool
- Create/Update Business Units using the Bulk Data Tool
Organisation Documents
The document and files area is primarily used by the system administrator to organize internal resources for the organization. We highly recommend using this space to store any images, files, and videos that are used in your intelliHR Form Designs.
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Business location names and associated addresses can be created for your organization within this setting. Each Employee can be ascribed a single Location. This setting can be utilized as a filter within analytics and automation.
Default Visibility: System Administrators in StrategicHR, Performance Enablement, and Employee Engagement Plans
Locations Representative Types
Location Representative Types enables you to create up to ten types of location representatives such as Payroll representative, Health and Safety Representative so that these can then be assigned roles for each location and used in conjunction with event notifications.
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Business Entities
Whether you desire separate corporations/LLCs to be tracked within intelliHR or a single large umbrella company, the legal structure of your organization can be created within this setting. Each employee can be ascribed to a single Business Entity. Business Entities can be utilized as filters within analytics and automation.
Default Visibility: System Administrators in StrategicHR, Performance Enablement, and Employee Engagement Plans
Related Help Articles:
- Business Entity Configuration Instructions: Bank, Tax and Superannuation Collection - Australia Only
Business Units
Business Units relate to the management structure of your organization and how departments can be grouped or divided. Each employee can be ascribed to a single Business Unit. Business Units can be utilized as filters within analytics and automation but also visualized within the Org Chart.
Default Visibility: System Administrators in StrategicHR, Performance Enablement, and Employee Engagement Plans
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Dashboard Actions
This setting will allow the system administrator to create, edit and manage the visibility of the self-service dashboard tiles that appear on the main Dashboard. Any dashboards enabled in this setting will be visible to all users of the system.
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Job Requirement Groups
In the scenario where a business may require certain positions or roles to have numerous qualifications, system administrators will apply a Job Requirement Group so that multiple qualification library items can be assigned to a job in bulk rather than adding individual qualifications one by one. This setting will allow you to create and manage the job requirements groups that can later be applied on an employee's qualification tab or upon initial employee setup.
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The settings found within the section are specific to fields within the analytics area of the platform that are configurable.
Analytics Permissions
This setting allows you to manage analytics permissions and access.
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Analytics Currency Conversion
Within the analytics settings here you can manage the currency conversions that are performed in your analytics.
Analytics Person Name Format
This setting allows you to control the person name format displayed within analytics depending on what is required for your reporting.
Analytics Highlights Email
This setting allows you to configure who receives a copy of the analytics highlights email (the weekly email digest for important HR metrics and insights).
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Analytics Business Performance Metrics
Manage metrics for the business performance analytics page.
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Analytics Business Performance Scale
Manage the score scale used for the business performance metrics analytics.
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Email Log
In this setting, you can view a historical record of all the emails that have been sent out by the platform to the end-users.
Default Visibility: System Administrators in StrategicHR and Performance Enablement Plans
Form Design Categories
Within the settings of each form, a single category can be assigned. The categories available in the dropdown field can be created and managed in this setting. Form Design Categories is also an analytics filter unique to our Task Compliance report if you are curious to track the performance of a specific group of forms ie. Onboarding or Performance Forms.
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Form Ignore Reasons
To maintain the quality of our data collected, all users will have the ability to ignore a form issued to them and provide an associated reason. The Form Ignore Reasons available in the dropdown field can be created and managed through this setting.
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Form Item Library
To support continuous feedback and analytics, the System Administrator may desire that an employee answer the same question at various stages throughout their employment. To reduce the need for data entry when building form designs, standard form fields can be created to be used across multiple forms.
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Furthermore, the default library items provided with your platform are also tied to various analytics reports to streamline data collection for mainstream HR objectives:
The below library items support our Employee Satisfaction Analytics:
Happiness Rating Library Item
Happiness Text Feedback Library Item
The below library item supports our Safety Concerns Analytics:
Safety Issue Text Library Item
The below library items support our Training Needs Analytics:
Training Requirements (employee reported) Text Library Item
Training Requirements (manager reported) Text Library Item
The below library items support our Minimum Expectations Analytics:
Expectation Rating Library Item
Expectation Text Library Item
The below library items support our Employee Net Promoter Score Analytics:
eNPS Text Library Item
eNPS Rating Library Item
Goal Templates
To streamline the assignment and creation of goals within the platform, standardized Goal Templates can be created by system administrators. When Goals are later created by employees, a dropdown field will be activated where employees can select from the current goal templates made available through this setting.
Default Visibility Settings: System Administrators in StrategicHR and Performance Enablement Plans
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Goal Categories
When creating a goal on an employee profile, a goal category can be applied using a dropdown field to each goal. The dropdown field options can be created and managed from this setting by system administrators. Goal categories are represented in the Goal Compliance and Goal Performance analytics as a filtering tool.
Default Visibility Settings: System Administrators in StrategicHR and Performance Enablement Plans
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Performance Report Templates
This setting will allow system administrators to create and manage the performance report cards available to assign to an employee's profile.
Default Visibility: System Administrators in StrategicHR and Performance Enablement Plans
Related Help Articles:
- The Performance Report Card
- Understanding Performance Metrics and Performance Metric Groups
- Creating a Performance Report
- Analysing Business Performance
Performance Metric Groups
Our Performance Reports support the ability of businesses to assess employees on customized performance metrics. The following default metrics will be provided with your intelliHR platform: Values, Productivity, Quality, Compliance, and Teamwork. This setting will allow you to configure the defaults to better reflect the metrics unique to your business.
Default Visibility: System Administrators in StrategicHR and Performance Enablement Plans
Diary Note & PIP Categories
This setting enables system administrators to create and manage the categories that can be selected when creating a Diary Note or PIP on an employee profile. In Analytics they can act as filters for sentiment analysis to give you a clear view of your data.
Skills Disciplines
Skill Disciplines can be created to help group individual skills into categories which will enable skills to be filtered within our analytics tool.
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This setting will allow system administrators to create unique skills for your organization that commonly differ across industries and sectors.
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Qualification Library Items
In this setting, the individual qualifications that you wish to track can be created and managed by system administrators.
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Qualification Types
This setting allows the system administrator to configure the categories your qualifications fall into. The Qualification Types set can be used as a filter within the Qualifications report in the Compliance Tab.
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Training Types
Training Types can be configured by system administrators to help the business categorize each Training Record created. In Analytics, specifically our Training Investment report, they can act as filters to give you a clear view of your data.
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Training Providers
Training Providers can also be configured by system administrators to assist in accurately identifying any external providers for each Training Record created. In Analytics, specifically our Training Investment report, they can act as filters to give you a clear view of your data.
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Data Import (Legacy)
This tool exclusively supports the import of bulk qualifications into intelliHR.
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Data Export (Legacy)
This tool exclusively supports the export of People and Job data and form instances.
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