Training Types and Training Providers in Settings give the ability to add training types and various providers to your organisation. As a system administrator, if new or existing Training types or Training Providers need to be added/removed these can be amended instantly without having to contact the support team for assistance giving you greater flexibility to personalise the platform and ensure it always reflects the dynamic nature of your organisation.
This article covers:
- Adding Training Types for use within your organisation
- Removing Training Types within your organisation
- Adding Training Providers for use within your organisation
- Removing Training Providers within your organisation
Training Types
Adding Training Types for use within your organisation
1. Navigate to Settings >> All Settings >> Training >> Training Types
2. Click Create and type the new Training Type name
3. Click Save
Removing Training Types within your organisation
1. Navigate to Settings >> All Settings >> Training >> Training Types
2. Locate the Training Type you wish to remove from the display
3. Click 3 dots >> You can either Disable or Delete
4. Deleting a Training Type will prompt a confirmation window
Training Providers
Adding Training Providers for use within your organisation
1. Navigate to Settings >> All Settings >> Training >> Training Providers
2. Click Create Provider >> Enter Name
3. Click Create
Removing Training Providers within your organisation
1. Navigate to Settings >> All Settings >> Training >> Training Providers
2. Locate the Training Provider you wish to remove from the display
3. Click 3 dots >> You can either Disable or Delete