There may be times when you need to reverse a timesheet payment, especially if your company pays in advance and changes need to be made to account for what has actually happened.
Before turning on this option, ensure that your payroll system is able to accept negative numbers. The Payroll Company within Humanforce may require further configuration as well, so please create a support ticket if you have any questions on this.
Access Level Permissions
There are 3 ways to reverse timesheet payments:
- Timesheet Screen in Humanforce Web
- Authorisation Screen in the Back Office
- Timesheets Screen in the Back Office
To allow for timesheet payment reversals, make sure all permissions are enabled in the Access Levels:
Pay Date Considerations
When reversing a timesheet, it's important to confirm the Pay Date is in the pay period when you want to process the reversal. If you don't see the Pay Date field for your timesheets, follow the configuration steps in How can I back or advance pay a Timesheet?
The Pay Date is determined by the System Setting to Use Current Pay Period for past timesheets. If this option is ticked, the system will use the current date as the pay date. If this option is not ticked, then it will use the date of the original timesheet.
Creating Reversals
As seen with the Access Levels, the reversing of a timesheet can happen from multiple screens.
Note: Although Reverse Timesheet Payment is displayed as an option on unauthorised
timesheets, only authorised timesheets can be reversed.
Timesheet Screen
Check the Reverse Payment is added to the actions part of the Screen settings.
Click on the Reverse Timesheet button at the end of the timesheet.
Acknowledge the reversal
Re-authorise the reversed timesheet
Note: Often after reversing a timesheet a new timesheet for that employee will
need to be added e.g. if someone was paid leave but actually worked, you would
reverse the leave timesheet and add a normal timesheet.
Payroll Process
When reviewing reversals from the Payroll screen, you will see the negative pay type value as well as the timesheet will be in bold.
You can also trigger a reversal or clear reversal from the Payroll screen by selecting your timesheet and clicking Reverse payment/Clear reversal.
It is very easy to find and report on reversed timesheets in Workforce Analytics under the timesheet data source by using the column for Reversal.