The following is an alphabetical listing of potential warning messages that you may come across when running the payroll process along with an explanation and suggested course of action.
Warning Message | Explanation | Suggested Action |
Break total mismatch. Record break=X, effective break=Y. Difference deducted from end of shift | The time of a break falls fully or partially outside of the start and end time of a timesheet. The break duration falling outside of the timesheet will be automatically taken from the end of the shift so the correct net hours are paid. | Review timesheet and update break to within the timesheet start and end times. |
Cannot add override for employee because employee's default period is not set | The award profile defines an override of hours based on the employee’s default period however no default period is set against their employee profile. | Review the employee’s profile and ensure they have a valid default period set. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Cannot apply Default rule - Pay Type missing | An award condition triggered during this shift has no output pay type or the pay type has been deleted. | Contact support to review award profile and correct condition. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Cannot apply salary averaging because there are no hourly-based pay types with a multiplier greater than zero | The employee’s award profile is configured to spread payroll cost across shifts based on salary hours however no valid pay types were applicable to do this based on. | Contact support to review award profile and correct conditions. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Cannot process day rule - Pay Type Missing | An award condition triggered during this shift has no output pay type or the pay type has been deleted. | Contact support to review award profile and correct condition. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Cannot process day rules - Shift Location Missing | The timesheet to be processed has a missing or invalid location. | Review timesheet and ensure a valid location is selected. If so contact support to review and update award profile as required. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Cannot process day rules - Shift Type Missing | The timesheet to be processed has a missing or invalid shift type. | Review timesheet and ensure a valid shift type is selected for the award profile. If so contact support to review and update award profile as required. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Cannot process master template override - Profile is missing or invalid. | The award profile defines an override of hours based on the employee’s master template however, the employee is not assigned to their templated role or no award profile is defined against the role on their employee profile. | Review employee’s profile and ensure that the role they were templated for is assigned and has a valid award profile defined. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Cannot process missed breaks rule - deleted paytype in use | An award condition triggered during this shift has no output pay type or the pay type has been deleted. | Contact support to review award profile and correct condition. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Cannot process Overtime rule - Paytype Missing | An award condition triggered during this shift has no output pay type or the pay type has been deleted. | Contact support to review award profile and correct condition. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Cannot process period rule: Paytype threshold (ShiftOverflow) - Paytype Missing | An award condition triggered during this shift has no output pay type or the pay type has been deleted. | Contact support to review award profile and correct condition. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Cannot process period rule: Paytype threshold at position- X in profile- “ABC”. Shift unavailable to apply payment of Y hours for paytype “XYZ” | A period pay type threshold should have been triggered but an applicable shifts could not be found to apply the condition on. | Contact support to review award profile and correct condition. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Cannot process shift - Department is missing, deleted or invalid | The department against this timesheet is blank, deleted or not assigned to this employee. | Review timesheet and ensure department is present, valid and assigned to the employee. Make relevant changes. Reprocess payroll for employee. |
Cannot process shift - Location is missing, inactive or invalid | The location against this timesheet is blank, inactive or not assigned to this employee. | Review timesheet and ensure location is present, valid and assigned to the employee. Make relevant changes. Reprocess payroll. |
Cannot process shift - Profile is missing or invalid | The award profile required for this timesheet is blank or not assigned to the relevant role against the employee. | Check employee’s profile and ensure award a valid profile is assigned to the role against this timesheet. Ensure that the revision date for this assignment is correct and that there was a valid award profile throughout the pay period. Reprocess payroll for employee. |
Cannot process shift - Profile is missing or invalid. Check Roster. | The award profile defines an override of hours based on the employee’s roster however the employee is not assigned to their rostered role or no award profile defined against the role on their employee profile. | Review employee’s profile and ensure that the role they were rostered for is assigned and has a valid award profile defined. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Cannot process shift - Role is missing, deleted or invalid | The role against this timesheet is blank, deleted or not assigned to this employee. | Review timesheet and ensure role is present, valid and assigned to the employee. Make relevant changes. Reprocess payroll for employee. |
Cannot process shift - Shift type is missing, deleted or invalid | The role against this timesheet is blank, deleted or not assigned to this employee. | Review timesheet and ensure role is present, valid and assigned to the employee. Make relevant changes. Reprocess payroll for employee. |
Cannot process shift (Manual override/ Adhoc Allowance) - Pay Type missing | An award condition triggered during this shift has no output pay type or the pay type has been deleted. | Contact support to review award profile and correct condition. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Default location for employee is missing or invalid | The employee has no default location assigned, if they have timesheets in this period they may not be able to be processed. Please note this warning occurs even if the employee has no timesheets to pay this period. | Update employee profile to assign default location. Reprocess payroll for this employee if they have timesheets within the period. |
Employee has no default department | The employee has no default department assigned, if they have timesheets in this period they may not be able to be processed. Please note this warning occurs even if the employee has no timesheets to pay this period. | Update employee profile to assign default department. Reprocess payroll for this employee if they have timesheets within the period. |
Employee has no default location | The employee has no default location assigned, if they have timesheets in this period they may not be able to be processed. Please note this warning occurs even if the employee has no timesheets to pay this period. | Update employee profile to assign default location. Reprocess payroll for this employee if they have timesheets within the period. |
Employee has no default profile | The employee has no default profile assigned, if they have timesheets in this period they may not be able to be processed. Please note this warning occurs even if the employee has no timesheets to pay this period. | Update employee profile to assign default award profile, ensuring the effective date is backdated to the period start. Reprocess payroll for this employee if they have timesheets within the period. |
Employee has no default role | The employee has no default role assigned, if they have timesheets in this period they may not be able to be processed. Please note this warning occurs even if the employee has no timesheets to pay this period. | Update employee profile to assign default role. Reprocess payroll for this employee if they have timesheets within the period. |
Employee not processed due to SalaryCostZero setting | The employee with a salary employment type will not be processed for payroll due to the “Always process salary employees cost to zero” System-Wide setting being enabled. | None if expected, otherwise disable system-wide setting and reprocess payroll. |
No pay type values were generated for employee | The employee has timesheets during this period however no award conditions were applicable to be triggered for their shifts. Only displayed if no pay type values were generated for the entire period. | Review timesheets and ensure valid shift types are selected for their award profile. If so contact support to review and update award profile as required. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Overlapping timesheets | The employee has two or more timesheets with overlapping times. | Review employee’s timesheets for the period and identify overlaps, modify so that no overlap occurs. Reprocess payroll for employee. |
Post-midnight shift part not processed because no matching rules exist for shift end date | No award conditions were applicable to be triggered for this shift for the time after midnight. | Review timesheet and ensure a valid shift type is selected for the award profile. If so contact support to review and update award profile as required. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Shift not processed as Employee was terminated on DD/MM/YYYY | An employee has a timesheet for a date after their termination date. It will not be processed for payroll. | None. Information only. |
Shift violates Shift Gap profile rule | Timesheet starts with less than the minimum required break from the end of the previous shift. | None. Information only. |
Total of X hours of Period Overtime not applied due to Shift Type & Trigger Day Restriction. | The employee’s award profile is configured to only apply period overtime on the specific days they have exceeded their hours rather than applying retroactively to make up overtime hours when required and due to leave at the end of the pay period the required amount of overtime is unable to be applied. | None if expected, otherwise contact support to review award profile and correct conditions. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Unable to apply daily make-up hours rule for “dd/mm/yyyy” on [Shift Type] because destination pay type is not selected or missing | An award condition triggered during this shift has no output pay type or the pay type has been deleted. | Contact support to review award profile and correct condition. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Unable to apply make-up hours rule for employee because destination pay type is not selected or missing | An award condition triggered during this shift has no output pay type or the pay type has been deleted. | Contact support to review award profile and correct condition. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Unable to process shift because there are no matching rules in the Award Profile | No award conditions were applicable to be triggered for this shift. | Review timesheet and ensure a valid shift type is selected for the award profile. If so contact support to review and update award profile as required. Reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Unauthorised timesheet | A timesheet is not authorised and therefore will not be processed for payroll export. | Authorise timesheet and reprocess payroll for this employee. |
Warning: Default Profile varies within the pay period. Period rules will be processed based on Profile as at period end. | The employee has been assigned to more than one award profile against their default role within the pay period. The period rules against the current default profile will be used. | None. Information only. |