If there are Leave Requests requiring action, there will be a Leave Requests Pending card added to your Home page:
You can click on the card to be taken to the Leave Approvals page, or you can navigate to Management > Availability > Leave Approvals to address the request(s).
On the Leave Approval page itself, review any requests in the grid noting the type of leave the employee has requested, their leave balance, requested hours, date of the request, and when the request was made. If the employee has added any comments when making their request, a speech bubble icon appears below their name. Clicking on this icon will display the comments.
Note: If you don't see the expected number of leave requests in the grid, check
the filters at the top of the screen and confirm you have Show All selected rather
than Show By Month. See How can I see all future Leave Requests? for more details.
Tick the boxes for Approve or Decline, as appropriate, next to each request. Then click the Apply button below the grid.
If you'd like to add any comments to the employee to be sent as an internal notification, you can do so before clicking to Confirm the leave. This can be particularly helpful in situations where you need to explain why you declined a request.