An organisation's reporting structure changes regularly, whether that be employees moving into new roles, leaving the business, or just a flat out corporate restructure.
In these instances A supervisor's direct reports may need to be reassigned. This article aims to walk through that process.
This article covers:
How to Reassign Direct Reports
1. Navigate to the User's Job tab
2. Click on the Job Actions >> Reassign Direct Reports
3. Choose an Effective From date.
4. If this is an indefinite change, leave the Effective To date blank. Otherwise assign accordingly.
5. Select the user who these direct reports will be assigned to.
6. Click Save
What Will Change / Will Any data Be Lost?
No data will be lost in this process. All prior job history as well as any tasks assigned will stay the same.
The reassigning of direct reports will be reflected in the Job History of the affected users.
All scheduled tasks that have a triggering form that goes to their supervisor will now be directed to their new supervisor.
The new supervisor will have access to all relevant permissions relating to "subordinates"