intelliHR allows you to automate all stages of the Employee Life Cycle. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to onboard a new employee on your intelliHR platform.
This article covers:
To Create a New Person, Job and User Account
1. Navigate to the People tab and select Onboarding - Set up a new employee.
2. Enter the employee's personal details. To create a person you will need to enter a Last Name and a unique email, any other fields can be added at a later stage if required.
3. You will also have the option to create a User Account on this page by selecting the checkbox 'Create a User Account'. If you wish to allow your new starter to log in straight away, leave the Enable User Account box checked. You will also have the option to send a Welcome Email to the employee which prompts them to create a password, alternatively a password can be set manually at a later date.
Enter a unique username and assign the required Permission Group(s), to learn more about Permissions, refer to Managing Permissions and Creating User Accounts.
4. From here you can continue to Create Job or this can also be completed at a later stage if required. When creating a job, enter all required details for the job, position, reporting lines, position arrangements, recruitment and remuneration.
5. After creating a job this will trigger a set of job actions which gives you the option to add any Mandatory Requirements necessary for the new role and apply a New Onboarding Workflow with all forms that need to be sent to your new starter.
Are there any other ways to start onboarding?
You can also quickly begin the onboarding process by Creating a Person quickly via the "Quick Create Menu" (the plus icon at the top right-hand of the screen).