Some fields can be edited directly from the main Timesheet Admin screen, providing a quicker way to modify certain fields, instead of needing to open the edit window for each timesheet.
At present the fields that can be edited via the inline edit function are:
- Pay Start
- Pay End
Break Minutes
- Presented where a timesheet already has a single unpaid break configured. Future releases will allow users to create an unpaid break where one does not already exist.
Users with the View Timesheet Authorisation Page > Allow editing > Allow inline editing permission will have access to the inline edits on the editable fields from the main Timesheet Admin screen - assuming other relevant permissions that permit edits to a specific timesheet are also active.
For more information on permissions, refer to the Timesheets - Access Level Permissions article.
To enable the permission:
- Go to Admin > Security Config > Access Levels
- For the relevant Access Level row, click Edit
- Click on the Permissions tab
- Search for 'inline'
- Find the permissions under 'TimeTarget Online>View Timesheet Authorisation Page>Allow Editing'
- Tick Allow inline editing
- After altering the selection, click Apply Changes.
Inline Edit Fields
The inline edit fields appear as input fields.
Pay Start
Where the Allow inline editing permission is active, the Pay Start inline edit field will be displayed where the timesheet is not active or locked.
You can edit by clicking into the field and manually enter a new value or click the clock icon to display the time picker. Clicking out of the field will save the change.
Pay End
Where the Allow inline editing permission is active, the Pay End inline edit field will be displayed where the timesheet is not locked.
You can edit by clicking into the field and manually enter a new value or click the clock icon to display the time picker. Clicking out of the field will save the change.
Break Minutes
Where Allow inline editing permission is active, the Break Minutes inline edit field will be displayed on timesheets with a single unpaid break, and only where the timesheet is not active or locked.
You can edit by clicking into the field and manually enter a new value or click the arrows to make adjustments. Clicking out of the field will save the change.