Timesheets can be created in a number of ways:
- Via Clocking (Mobile, Facial Recognition, Finger Vein and Pin/Password)
- Roster to Timesheet conversion auto-create task (requires setup)
- Manual Creation via the Timesheet (Admin) page
This article describes the permissions required and how to manually create new timesheets in the Timesheet (Admin) screen (available via Management > Timesheets > Timesheets).
Creating Timesheets from Defaults
Creating Timesheets from Rosters
Creating Timesheets when Grouping by Employee (defaults)
Generating Timesheets from No-Shows
Creating Timesheets from Defaults
A timesheet can be created for a single employee using the default configurations associated to an employee.
This function is useful when a quick add is required, for example where an employee someone went home sick and a new timesheet is required.
The below assumes the user has the 'TimeTarget Online > View Timesheet Authorisation Page > Allow Editing>Add Shifts' permission active, to be able to add Timesheets.
- Navigate to Management> Timesheets > Timesheets
- Click the '+NEW'button in the top right of the page
- Select the 'Timesheets from defaults' option from the dropdown
- In the 'New Timesheets from Defaults' popup, select the employee for which the timesheet is to be created from the list, then scroll down and click 'Done' to confirm the selection. Only one employee may be selected.
- Note that the employees shown are not filtered from the main Timesheet screen
- Note that the employees shown are not filtered from the main Timesheet screen
- A 'New Timesheet' popup will appear, with all the following fields populated depending either on the employee defaults or the employee's award profile setting:
- Location
- Department
- Role
- Start/End times
- Breaks
- Shift Type
- The start date populated initially is determined by the date/date range selected on the Timesheets screen itself.
- All fields can be edited, depending on permissions e.g update start/end time values / shift type (important in the part day sick scenario)
- The employee initially selected can be changed by clicking the search button in the top centre of the page next to the current employees' name.
- Click Save
- The new timesheet will be available immediately - visibility depends on the filters applied.
Creating Timesheets from Rosters
A timesheet can be created for one or multiple employees using the details from each employees' existing rostered shift.
This function is often used:
- when I need a timesheet to link to a roster (for reporting or more possibly award interpretation reasons)
- when I need to create bulk timesheets (as this cannot be done using the defaults option)
- for new starters where the employee has only just been added to the system, shifts have been assigned and this function can be used to create their first timesheets.
The below assumes the user has the 'TimeTarget Online > View Timesheet Authorisation Page > Allow Editing>Add Shifts' permission active, to be able to add Timesheets.
- Navigate to Management> Timesheets > Timesheets
- Click the '+NEW'button in the top right of the page
- Click the 'Timesheets from rosters' option from the dropdown
- In the popup, select the employee(s) for which the timesheet(s) is/are to be created:
- Using the checkboxes, select one or more employees, noting that the employees shown are not filtered from the main Timesheet screen
- The rostered shift the Timesheet is to be created for must be on or within the date range in the top left of the popup. This date/date range can be changed.
- The shifts do not need to be confirmed or published.
- Once employees have been selected using the checkboxes, scroll down and click Done.
- Where a Timesheets already exists for all rostered shifts for all selected employees for the selected period or where none of the selected employees have rostered shifts within the selected period, a 'No valid roster data found for current selection' error will be displayed.
- Where a Timesheets already exists for all rostered shifts for all selected employees for the selected period or where none of the selected employees have rostered shifts within the selected period, a 'No valid roster data found for current selection' error will be displayed.
- A new page will display the list of employees with a rostered shift during the selected date range but who do not already have a timesheet.
- Delete any entries for which no timesheet is required by selecting the appropriate checkbox and clicking the Delete icon.
- Edit Start time, End time, Pay Date, Status or Comments on one or multiple entries by selecting the appropriate checkbox and clicking the Edit icon.
- When ready to create timesheets for all remaining records, click the Save All Timesheets button. The checkboxes are irrelevant for this action.
Once the timesheets are created, you will be redirected back to the Timesheets page where you can Authorise and manage the timesheets as usual.
Creating Timesheets when Grouping by Employee (defaults)
When the 'Group by Employee' filter is active, a user is able to create a new timesheet for that employee.
This function uses the employee defaults to create the Timesheet, so is basically the same as the 'Create Timesheets from Defaults' process with the step of selecting an employee from the list skipped.
The below assumes the user has the 'TimeTarget Online > View Timesheet Authorisation Page > Allow Editing>Add Shifts' permission active, to be able to add Timesheets.
- Navigate to Management> Timesheets > Timesheets
- Select the 'Group by Employees' filter
- Click the '+' icon in the 'Actions' column against the parent record. This icon does not appear on the child records.
- A 'New Timesheet' popup will appear, with all the following fields populated depending either on the employee defaults or the employee's award profile setting:
- Location
- Department
- Role
- Start/End times
- Breaks
- Shift Type
- The start date populated initially is determined by the date/date range selected on the Timesheets screen itself.
- All fields can be edited.
- The employee selected can be changed by clicking the search button in the top centre of the page next to the current employees' name.
- Click Save
- The new timesheet will be available immediately - visibility depends on the filters applied.
Generating Timesheets from No-Shows
See Generating Timesheets from No-Shows article.