Most functionality in this article was introduced in version 4.8.13 of Humanforce. Many additional improvements were introduced from v6.0.6 (July 2023) ongoing.
The Timesheet Admin page allows you to manage all aspects of timesheets in one place including:
- Approving Timesheets
- Creating new Timesheets
- Generating Timesheets from No-Shows
- Editing Timesheets
- Deleting Timesheets
- Reversing Timesheets
The specifics of what someone can do on the Timesheets page depends on their Access Level permissions.
For someone to access the Timesheets page:
- Timesheets must be ticked in the Nav Manager
- Their Access Level must have View Timesheet Authorisation Page permission ticked.
Nav Manager
To enable Timesheets in Nav Manager:
- Go to Admin > Nav Manager
- Scroll to the Management section and make sure Timesheets is ticked in the ESS column.
- After altering the selection, scroll to the very bottom of the page and click Save.
The Timesheets page is available under the Management menu, if enabled in Navigation Manager (and the user has the correct Access Level permissions).
In Admin > Nav Manager, scroll to the Management section and make sure Timesheets is ticked in the ESS column.
Access Level Permissions
For someone to access the Timesheets page, their Access Level must have View Timesheet Authorisation Page permission enabled. To do this:
- Go to Admin > Security Config > Access Levels
- For the relevant Access Level row, click Edit
- Click on the Permissions tab
- Search for Timesheet Authorisation
- Ensure the item View Timesheet Authorisation Page is ticked
- After altering the selection, click Apply Changes.
Three permission-based options for the Timesheets page
There are three permission-based options available for the Timesheets page:
- Today's date only - cannot navigate to other dates
- Single date - with navigation to other dates
- Date ranges - with navigation to other dates
To apply your desired option, select the permissions as indicated above, in the Access Level.
Field Visibility
The below permissions under TimeTarget Online>General>View Fields determine whether certain fields are visible in Timesheets (and in multiple other screens). The user will not see these fields in Timesheets where the relevant "View Fields" permission is inactive.
- Go to Admin > Security Config > Access Levels
- For the relevant Access Level row, click Edit
- Click on the Permissions tab
- Search for 'View Fields'
- Find and expand the 'TimeTarget Online>General>View Fields permission
This will provide a number of 'View' permissions and 'Edit' sub-permissions.
- View [Fieldname] (eg 'View Area') - provides visibility of the field in edit modal and visibility of column main table.
- Edit [Fieldname] (eg 'Edit Area') - provides ability to edit that field (eg the dropdown appears). Without it, no dropdown will be presented.
Note: some of the fields under 'View Fields' are not specifically relevant to Timesheets eg 'Custom Roster Data'
Access Levels will determine which timesheets a user can see. For example, a manager of one department would only see timesheets for that department. But within the timesheets the user has available, several filters can be applied.
Date Formats and Selections
The Date format (and currency symbols) are determined by your browser. Refer to this 'Change date and/or currency format in browser' article for more information.
Where only your Allow daily view navigation permission is active (and not Allow date range navigation), you will be able to access single dates only, which provides similar function as the now-removed Daily Authorisation page.
Where your Allow date range navigation permission is active, you are able to select a single date or a date range.
From v6.0.41 (Jan 2025), any single date or date range applied will be retained instead of reverting back to the default each time, so you'll be able to navigate away or refresh the page and the single date/date range previously applied will be retained. When logging out/ in however, the single date/date range will revert to the default.
You are also able to choose whether the dates selected apply to the Start Date (default) or to Pay Date by selecting the appropriate Start Date or Pay Date radio button.
Date Picker - Start Day
The Calendar Week Start Day setting found in System Settings>General determines the default start day presented upon initial loading of the Timesheets (Admin) page. Contact your admin user to update this setting. Changing this setting will impact all users.
For example, where the above is set to Wednesday, the default date range for Timesheets will be from Wednesday to Tuesday.
The 'View' drop-down allows you to choose to view:
- All timesheets (excludes no-shows)
- All timesheets & No-Shows
- Authorised
- Unauthorised
- No-Shows
- Unauthorised & No-Shows
As No-shows are not timesheets, they are treated separately from 'timesheets' in the 'View' dropdown filter.
A count of how many timesheets and no shows are in each group appear next to the name.
You can select the date or date range you would like to view by clicking on the date(s) to select and clicking Apply.
General Filters
By clicking the funnel icon, a new section will appear where you can apply multiple filters including employee code/names, reporting to, overlapping, regions, locations, events, shift types, reasons and award profile.
Where a filter is active, the number of filters being applied is displayed as a number against that filter section.
To make it clear a filter is active even when the filters section is collapsed, a red dot will appear against the filter funnel icon to indicate active filters. Hovering over the funnel will change the red dot to an 'x'
which can be clicked to remove all filters.
Pay Company
You can also filter by Pay Company which is particularly helpful if you are reviewing timesheets before moving to Payroll Processing and want to only see the timesheets included in a specific pay run. If you have selected a pay company, you can select a specific pay period for that company instead of entering individual dates.
Where All Pay Companies is selected, this will display all timesheets (regardless of pay company), as per user permissions.
The specific pay companies available in the Pay Company dropdown are dependent on the View Timesheet Authorisation Page>Allow access to all pay companies permission.
- Where inactive, the pay company dropdown will contain 'All Pay Companies' and the user's own pay company only. The user will still be able to access all timesheets (as per user permissions) regardless of pay company.
- Where active, the pay company dropdown will contain 'All Pay Companies' as well as all available pay companies.
When selecting a specific pay company, pre-defined date periods are displayed. These periods are configured in the 'Pay Period' screen in BackOffice (config also coming soon to Humanforce Web).
After selecting a Pay Company, you are also able to select your own date period as well as retaining the selected pay company by clicking the calendar icon to change the below to a calendar view.
Confirming Timesheets
Refer to Sending Timesheet Confirmation requests to employees for more information on timesheet confirmations.
To Confirm a timesheet:
- You must have activated the Confirm option in the Screen Settings to be able to see the single Confirm icon. Note this does not control visibility of the Confirm button that appears when using the checkboxes (see below).
- Select a specific Pay Company - without selecting a specific pay company, the confirmation request will fail. This Confirm action is the main purpose of allowing/restricting visibility of specific pay companies in the dropdown.
- Select to Group by Employee as the Confirm function is not possible in any other view.
- The 'Confirm' icon will then be visible against the grouped record.
- You can also use the checkboxes to select multiple employees and click the Confirm button that appears at the top of the table (does not require the Screen Settings option to be active).
You can choose to view the timesheets based on your filters with No Grouping, which will display one timesheet per row.
Or you can Group by Employee, Start Date, or Base Roster providing subtotals on number of shifts, net hours, and costs before allowing you to drill in by clicking on the number in the 'Shifts' column to view each timesheet under that Employee, Start Date or Base Roster.
Timesheet Alerts can be configured to draw attention to issues such as:
- Overlapping Timesheets
- Timesheets with Invalid Breaks
- Overtime Timesheets
- Coming Soon: Insufficient Leave Balance (this alert is 'always on')
For assistance with configuring Timesheet Alerts, check out How do I configure Timesheet Alerts?
By clicking the Alert button on the Timesheet screen, you can get a list of all timesheets with alerts.
You will also see Alert symbols and pink colouring on each affected row, as well.
Column Selection, Resizing & Sorting
By clicking the Screen Settings icon, you can select which columns display on the page and in what order they appear. Note that depending on the Grouping selected, some selected columns may not be visible.
These settings are retained even after logging out, but will revert to default when the cache is cleared.
Adding and rearranging Timesheet columns
- Navigate to Management> Timesheets > Timesheets
- Click the Screen Settings icon
in the top right of the page
- Select the column required, eg 'Actuals'
- Click and drag the 'Rearrange' icon
to change the order of the columns
- Click Save
The Actions section at the bottom of the Screen Settings popup determines which actions are available against each Timesheet row.
Columns can be resized by hovering over the line separator to the right of the heading and dragging left or right.
Many of the fields are able to be reduced significantly. Others, depending on their contents and functions contained within, may not.
You can hover over any content which has an an ellipsis to display a tooltip which will show all the text in that cell. The ellipsis only appears where the content longer than the width of the column.
The width last applied to a particular column shall be retained at all times, and that width will be applied regardless of the filter selections (views and groupings).
Double clicking on a heading separator resets the width back to the default.
The column against which table data is being sorted is indicated by or
icons to the right of the appropriate column header.
You can sort data by clicking the header which will sort the data ascending/descending.
Employee Name Sorting
The Employee Name field can be sorted by lastname by changing how the data in that column is presented. By default the column is presented in "Firstname Lastname" format.
- On the Timesheet Admin screen, click on the Screen Settings icon
- Scroll down and select the Last Name, First Name radio button under Display Employee Name column data by:.
- Click Save.
- The data in the Employee Name column will now be presented as Bloggs, Joe rather than Joe Bloggs
- Use the sort function on that column as normal to sort by last name.
Colour identifiers
Colour is used on the Timesheet screen to indicate certain scenarios.
Red Row colour
The row will be red where the Timesheet entry has an alert, indicated with an alert icon
Hovering over the alert icon will provide a summary of the issue eg 'Timesheet invalid break'. More detail is also visible when clicking the 'Alerts' button at the top right of the page.
Shift Type text colour
The text in the Shift Types column is fully configurable Award Config > Shift Types and allows different Shift Types to be more easily identifiable at a glance.
It is important to note that the selection of lighter colours will have less contrast against the white background.
See How do I adjust the configuration of a Shift Type? for more information on how to configure these colours.
Reason text colour
Where the Reason text in Timesheets is either ‘OK’ or ‘Manually Added’ the text is in black.
Where the ‘Reason’ text in Timesheets is something other than ‘OK’ or ‘Manually Added’ the text is in red.
Update Roster Times
The 'Update Roster Times' function is an essential tool that ensures the timesheets' roster times match the current roster times. It does so by checking all the timesheets that are in view against their related roster entries. This is necessary because once a timesheet becomes active, the rostered details no longer update live.
This function can be used regardless of the timesheets' status, whether Active, Authorised, or Unauthorised.
'Update Roster Times' comes in handy when you need to change several shifts while they are still active, such as when there is an emergency staff meeting after work. First, you can update the end time of everyone's rostered shift and then use the 'Update Roster Times' function to sync everyone's timesheets to match the new roster times.
To use Update Roster Times, click the icon. This will check the start/end times of all timesheets in view and compare them against the Roster times.
The actions available for each row depend on both the status of a timesheet and the user's permissions.
Potential icons you may see are:
Generate a timesheet for a No Show
Unauthorise a timesheet
Delete a timesheet
UnDelete a timesheet (only available until the Timesheet Admin screen is refreshed after deleting a timesheet)
Split a timesheet
Reverse a payment
Clear a reversal
Update roster times
The Totals section appears at the bottom of the table.
The Totals section header displays the Unauthorised, Authorised and No-shows counts currently visible with the filters applied. These numbers also correspond with the figures in the 'View' dropdown.
When expanded, the totals section contains the following data for all visible timesheets and also for selected timesheets where any timesheets are selected (No Grouping view only).
- Total Timesheets
- Total Hours
- Break Hours
- Paid Hours
- Cost
As the totals section excludes No-shows (except the count in the header), the Grand Totals and Selected totals exclude No-show records.