This article contains information for the Timesheet (Admin) screen
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This article describes the permissions required and how to view breakdown of rate costs in the Timesheet (Admin) screen (available via Management > Timesheets > Timesheets).
To view the rate award breakdown (for example overtime, allowances, etc) and cost in timesheet we will need to enable rate breakdown functionality within the access level.
- Go to Admin > Security Config > Access Levels
- For the relevant Access Level row, click Edit
- Click on the Permissions tab
- Search for 'breakdown'
- Ensure the item Allow viewing of rate breakdown details is ticked
- After altering the selection, click Apply Changes.
If this permission is activated for your access level, when you are viewing authorised timesheets from the Timesheet screen, you'll be able to see the rate breakdown of the costs associated with the shift.
Note: The timesheet must be authorised to access the shift breakup.
Click the pencil icon to edit the authorised shift.
In the Edit Timesheet window, expand the 'Award Breakdown' section to show the different pay types of the timesheet.