Labour group allocation is used to nominate a set of roles for a location and department and to define the percentage of hours & costs allocated for each of the roles. It is useful for cases where there is a need for a portion of hours or cost worked under specific roles to be used instead of all hours worked. Currently, labour group allocation is used only within the workforce analytics report and data source for "Demand Forecast with Actual Variance". This article describes how to create labour groups, nominate roles for the labour group and allocate a percentage for each of the selected roles.
Accessing Labour Group Allocation
Access to labour group allocation is available via Admin > System Config > Labour Group Allocation.
To navigate to the Labour Group Allocation screen, the Access Level for the user must have View Labour Group Allocation permission enabled. To do this:
- Go to Admin > Security Config > Access Levels
- For the relevant Access Level row, click Edit
- Click on the Permissions tab
- Search for Labour Group Allocation
- Ensure the item View Labour Group Allocation is ticked
- After altering the selection, click Apply Changes.
To allow the user to edit the labour groups, ensure the "Allow Editing" permission beneath "View Labour Group Allocation" is ticked.
Adding Labour group allocation
Add a new Labour group allocation:
- Click the +New Labour Group
- Add Mandatory fields:
Name – Needs to be unique.
Select Applicable Shift Types – Drop-down multiple selection.
- Export Code is a non-mandatory field, add it to have a unique alphanumeric code.
- Add Location – Location can be added from the available drop-down list.
- Multiple locations can be added for the same labour group allocation.
Follow the steps below to nominate roles and add percentage allocations to labour groups for a location:
- Click on +New Labour Group > Edit
- Expand Location
- Expand department
- Select the role and enter a value in the “Labour Percentage Allocation” input field. Repeat this for all roles applicable to the labour group
- Click Save to save the labour group
- Click Cancel to discard your changes
Editing and deleting Labour group allocation
Edit a labour group allocation:
- To Edit a labour group allocation, using the kebab menu (3 dots), click the Edit option to open the Edit Screen window
- Update the changes as required
- Click Save to save your changes
Delete a labour group allocation:
- To Delete a labour group allocation, using the kebab menu click the Delete option to open the delete confirmation window
- Click Delete to proceed with the deletion
Labour group allocation in expanded view
Expand view of labour group allocation:
To be able to Expand Labour Group Allocation click the "v" icon to expand the Screen.
- Click the “^” icon to return to collapse to the default view