This article describes how to configure Gender Types using HF Web
(available via Admin > System Config > Gender Types).
Gender Types configuration allows a manager user to create entries that will appear in a dropdown for selection within the Employee record in Management>Employee>Employee Management.
Enabling Access
The ability to View and to Add/Edit Gender Types are controlled by two permissions.
To activate these permissions:
- In HF Web, go to Admin > Security Config > Access Levels
- For the relevant Access Level row, click Edit
- Click on the Permissions tab
- Search for Gender
- Find the permissions under Maintenance Screens
- For read only access to the Gender Types page, tick Gender
- For add/edit access to Gender Types, tick Allow editing
- After making your selection, click Apply Changes
Viewing, Adding and Editing Gender Types
The main Gender Types page displays all active Gender Types.
The page also offers the following functionality, assuming user has Allow editing permission:
- Add
- Edit
- Delete Gender Types
If the Add button and the Manage column are not visible, the Allow editing permission is not active.
Adding/Editing a Gender Types
To add a new Gender Type, click the Add Gender Type button in the top right of the screen.
To edit an existing Gender Type, click the edit (pencil) icon found in the Manage column against the record you wish to edit.
In the Add or Edit window that appears, you can edit:
- Name
- Short Name (optional)
- Export Code (optional)
Deleting a Gender Type
- To delete a Gender Type, click the delete
icon against the record.
- Once deleted, Gender Types cannot be restored.
- A Gender Type cannot be deleted where it is assigned to any employee record, whether the employee record is active or terminated.