- Change date and/or currency format in browser
- Gender Type Configuration
- Communication Setup - SMTP Settings
- Humanforce IP Address Range
- How do I create and assign Location Groups?
- How do I edit the permissions of an Access Level?
- What is the Sales Budget and how do I configure it?
- How do I add or update a custom logo?
- How do I limit the Pay Companies a manager can assign to an employee?
- How do I set up & use Management Groups in Humanforce Web?
- SMTP Server Configuration
- How do I change the Password requirements in Humanforce Web?
- How do I update Pay Rates in Humanforce Web?
- How do I create a new Area in Humanforce Web?
- Restrict Vein Scanner Templates by Location
- How does the declaration form work?
- How do I create a warning if someone attempts to clock out soon after clocking in?
- What are Non-Live Award Profiles?
- How do I create an Adhoc Allowance?
- What is the Nav Manager?
- How can I create new Visa Types?
- How to create custom nav items?
- How do I create a new Qualification Type?
- Change the login page to Keypad
- How do I configure Demand Planning?
- How do I create a new Role?
- How do I create a new Department and add it to a Location?
- How do I create a new Location?
- How do I handle shifts during the Daylight Savings change over?
- What are Clock In Settings?