The Nav Manager (short for Navigation Manager) is used to determine which pages are available in the various modes of Humanforce. The three modes that can be configured are ESS (Employee Self Service), Facial Recognition mode, and Kiosk Mode.
A page can be turned off completely from all three modes, if it's not being used. As an example, if your company does not upload payslips for employees, you can remove the Payslips page completely. Alternatively, a page might be made available for only one or two modes. Examples would be only allowing clocking in/out from Kiosk and Facial Recognition mode while removing it from ESS or only allowing employees to check their timesheets from ESS but not while on a kiosk.
Accessing Nav Manager
To get to the Nav Manager, select Admin > Admin Config > Nav Manager from the navigation menu.
Using Nav Manager
Once there, you will see a column for each mode and sections for each menu. Go down each column ticking the boxes for the pages that should be available and unticking boxes that should not be included. Each section has an All and None button to quickly tick or untick all boxes in a section.
Note: If your company does not use one of these modes, you can ignore that column.
After selecting your pages, you can also choose which page is the default by selecting the radio button that appears for that page when you hover over it. This is the page the mode will open to when someone logs in. With ESS, the Home Page is the most common default. With Facial Recognition and Kiosk mode, this is usually the Clocking page.
When you are finished making any changes, you must scroll to the bottom of the screen to click Save otherwise your changes will be lost.
Access Levels
Simply ticking the box for a page does not guarantee that a user will be able to see it. Access to a page is also determined by permissions in Access Levels. If even one access level should be able to access a page, then the box must be ticked. For example, managers may need to use Department Rosters in ESS whereas employees do not. The box for the Department Rostering needs to be ticked in the Nav Manager and then the Employee Access Level will prevent that group from seeing this page.
Once again, do not forget to save any changes made on the page by clicking the save button at the very bottom of the screen.