This article outlines the process involved in creating and managing on-call shifts via the rostering screen and the use of the “Non-Attended” tick box within the roster tiles in order to pay the employees the correct allowances automatically.
In order for on-call to be configured to pay via the non-attended tick box, please see your Humanforce consultant regarding configuration.
Rostering On-call Shifts
In order to assign staff to an on call shift you must first add them to the roster.
Within Humanforce, select the Management menu followed by Department Rostering. Select the Location, Department, and date range you would like to add the on-call shifts to.
Once the roster has been loaded, select the Add Role button located on the left side of the roster pallet.
Once a list of available roles has been loaded, select the on call role followed by the Done button. In the example below, the role is “On-Call Nurse.”
Please note that if you do not have an on call role, you will need to contact your administration team ASAP.
Once selected, the on-call role should have appeared in the roster pallet. To assign an employee to the shift, select an empty roster tile.
This will then prompt you with the shift details screen. Select the employee, start and end time followed by the Non-Attended tick box. Note: The role can be set up for this box to be ticked automatically.
In the example below, the employee will be on-call from 8am to 7:59am the following day as the Non-Attended Box has been selected.
In order to roster a 24-hour period, it is recommended that you roster two 12-hour
shifts (e.g. 12am – 12pm and 12pm – 12am) OR 1 shift for 23.59 hours (e.g. 12am –
11:59pm). If you roster a flat 24-hour period, the system will recognize it as a
0-hour shift (e.g. 12am – 12am).
Once the shift has been entered, you will notice a yellow symbol on the roster tile. This symbol is used to represent where the employee is on-call. Once copied across for the week, you should see multiple shifts with the on-call symbol.
Employee Actions
What should the employee do if they are on-call and not called?
If the employee has been rostered to be on-call as per the above document, the employee won’t need to clock in to the system as Humanforce will automatically know to pay the employee the appropriate payment.
What should the employee do if they are on-call and called?
If the employee has been rostered to be on-call as per above document, the employee should clock in for the hours worked and ensure that they have selected the on-call role when clocking in. Humanforce will then know to automatically pay the employee the appropriate allowances for working during on-call.
Manager Actions
What should the manager do if the employee has not been called in?
If the employee has not been called in, the manager will see a “No Show” shift within the timesheet authorisation screen. In order to process this shift as an on-call with no call in, leave the shift as a “No Show” so that Humanforce is able to identify that the employee did not work and should only receive the on-call payment.
What should the manager do if the employee has been called in?
If the employee was on-call and did receive a call in, the employee should have clocked in as per recommended actions above. Because the employee clocked in, they manager should see a timesheet within the authorisation screen. If the manager is happy with the on-call times in the timesheet, approve the timesheet as per usual.