Humanforce alerts are able to automate notifying an employee when they have forgotten to clock on for their rostered shift by a certain amount of time.
Below are a list best practices to use when creating this alert.
Alert Name
It's important to use meaningful alert names to help identify the purpose of the alert.
In this example, the alert is called "Clock In Reminder Alert To Employees"
Group and Function
The Group and Function settings identify what type of alert you are trying to send.
As we are looking to send an alert to employees when they have not clocked in for a rostered shift, select the Timesheets group and the Shift Notifications function.
Execute Every VS Execute At
The Execute Every and Execute At identify how often you want to send alerts out to users.
As employees will have varying start times, it is recommended to run the alert regularly throughout the day so that all employees can be included in the scope.
In our example, we are running the alert hourly.
Allow Resend After
The allow Resend After controls how often we want to alert the user if there is no new information in the alert.
In this example, we want to send the reminder once per day to applicable employees.
Resend no more than
The Resend No More Than value provides a cap of how many times this alert will be sent before it is essentially deactivated. As a best practice, the Resend No More Than value should be left at 0 which means it will continue indefinitely each time the shift is updated.
The Condition provides the requirement to generate the alert.
In this example, it will be that the employee has not started work.
Duration and Duration Offset
The Duration and Duration Offset settings work together to specify the time amount and type of offset that the alert should be looking for. This value can be adjusted as required to meet your organisation's needs.
For example, if you wanted to look for employees who had not clocked on by 1 hour past their Roster Start time, you would enter 1 Hour as the Duration value, and From Roster Start as the Duration Offset value.
In this example, it will be employees who have not clocked in after 10 minutes from their roster start time for that day.
Note: If you have multiple timezones for employees, a new alert will need to be created for each timezone and the Duration should include the timezone difference.
Execute On
The Execute On setting allows the alert service to run on specific days of the week.
In this example, the alert service will execute every day of the week.
Send By
The Send By values allow you to notify the user either by Internal Message or Email.
The Internal Message will notify the user via the Messaging function in Humanforce Web when they next log in, or it will also send a Push Notification to the user's mobile device if they have the Humanforce Mobile App installed.
The Email option sends to the email address against the employee's profile, utilising the HTML template for formatting of the message and data.
For clock in reminders, this is personal preference depending on whichever suits your organisation's needs. If employees clock via the Mobile App, it may be more effective to deliver this reminder as an Internal Message / Push Notification.
Execution Offset VS Range Offset
The Execution Offset and the Range Offset allow the alert service to send alerts for shifts scheduled for the next X amount of days, weeks, months, or years.
In this example, we are using the Range Offset to include shifts that should have started within the last 6 hours.
Filtering VS Recipients
The Filtering section is used to reduce the employees which receive this alert. Employees can be filtered by the Location, Department, Role, Access level, Employee Type, and more.
As we want to notify each employee separately, the Send alert to employee should be ticked.
The Recipients menu is generally used to notify a group of users such as managers and doesn't need to be used in this alert, but it could be engaged if you wanted to provide managers with a list of employees who triggered the alert.
Click Select Filters and narrow the selection down using the available options to determine the employees who should be monitored by the reminder alert.
Message template per person
The Message Template Per Person section (on the left) defines the content which will be sent to the employee.
The HTML section will be sent via email while the plain text section is used for internal messages.
You will need to define a template for either HTML, Plain Text or both templates depending on the delivery method you are using in the alert.
More information on the template editors can be found in the below Help articles:
Further assistance
If you require clarification or assistance when configuring the alert with the instructions in this article, we recommend logging a Help ticket so that our consultants can provide assistance.