Kiosk with finger vein scanning
Most clients typically procure kiosk hardware through Humanforce. The options for this are as follows:
- Element HE10-W+ Tablet including Hitachi Vein Scanner & Brackets
- Element HE10-W+ Tablet including Bracket
- Element HE10-W+ Tablet
- Hitachi Vein Scanner
The tablets need to be connected to a power supply which is securely stored in the tablet bracket, if used. The tablet bracket can be mounted onto the wall.
The scanner can be mounted to the tablet bracket with all cables also securely locked in the tablet bracket mitigating any attempts at tampering with the hardware. Power to the scanner is supplied via USB from the tablet.
A reliable internet connection is required for the Humanforce kiosk to operate. This can be facilitated via WIFI or Ethernet (using a USB to Ethernet hub). In situations where this is not available, the tablet has a SIM card slot for 3G / 4G use, if required.
For Humanforce to remotely configure and support the hardware, you may be required to open port 8041 on the kiosk to allow access through Humanforce’ s remote support application.
The kiosk website itself will be a domain of your choosing if you are hosting the system in-house, or if Humanforce is hosting your system, Traffic to this site must be permitted.
You may prefer to source your own tablets in which case you will need to ensure that any tablet of your choosing is Windows-based if you would like to use the vein scanner option. Our recommended specifications are:
- Dual core CPU 2GHz+ (for clients with more than 1000 vein templates, please talk to your Account Manager if using a local database)
- Windows 10 minimum
- Minimum 64GB storage recommended
- Battery, in case of power outage
- Front-facing camera (2MP) if using facial recognition
- USB-A Port (or adaptor from micro/mini/USB-c) for vein scanner connection
- Network connectivity (ethernet, WiFi)
The following browsers are supported in their latest version (.NET 4.8 required, automatic updates recommended):
- Google Chrome (Recommended)
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Opera